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Mythological Characters

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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  • Had a body of a horse, and torso and head of a human.
  • Followers of wine god Dionysus, known for being drunk
  • Inhabited Mount Pellon of Thessaly in northern Greece
Photo by Great Beyond


  • Three headed watchdog who guards the entrance to the underworld
  • Permitted spirits to enter, but not leave, unless they snuck past


  • Ferryman of the dead
  • Only brings you across the river if you pay a toll
  • Only accepts the dead who are buried or burned with the proper rite


  • A monster with the head of a lion, body of a she-goat, and dragon tail
  • Terrorized Lycia (in Asia Minor)


  • Goddesses of vengeance
  • Originally conceived as ghosts of the murdered
  • Born from the blood of Uranus


  • The only Gorgon who was mortal
  • Her gaze turned whoever she looked at to stone
  • Her hair was living snakes
  • Pegasus was her son by Poseidon


  • Had a body of a man, but a head and tail of a bull
  • Was captured and locked in a labyrinth
  • Every 9 years, 7 boys and 7 girls from Athens were given as tribute


  • Nymphs of bodies of water (lakes, rivers, streams etc)
  • Her very existence depended on her body of water
  • The waters were thought to be endowed with powers
  • Naiads were frequently worshipped in association with fertility and growth


  • Fifty daughters of Nereus and Doris
  • They occupy the Mediterranean Sea
  • Friendly and helped sailors who were fighting storms
  • Believed to be able to prophesies


  • God of shepherds and flocks
  • Popular in Arcadia
  • Depicted as a satyr
  • Not liked by the other gods
  • God of fertility, male sexuality, and carnal desire


  • Deities of the woods and mountains
  • Half human, and half goat
  • Companions of Dionysus
  • Spent their time drinking, dancing, and chasing nymphs