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Published on Nov 21, 2015

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Napoleon Bonaparte



  • 1769 he was born on the Mediterranean island of Corsica
  • At the age of 9 he was sent to military school.
  • At the age of 16 in 1785 he became a lieutenant in the army.

October 1795

  • Napoleon defended the delegates from the rebels.
  • Became a hero in Paris and honored as the savior of the French republic


  • He was appointed to lead the French army against the Austria and the Kingdom of Sardinia Kingdom
  • As genral he went down into Italy and won a series of victories
  • He then took his troops down into Egypt to disrupt Britain's trade with India.
  • In Egypt he was pinned down by the British.
  • Despite this lose he still was the hero in France
Photo by Kol Tregaskes


  • In November of 1799 he took action to seize political power.
  • He quickly assumed the powers of a dictator
  • At the time of his rise to power France was at War.
  • in 1799 Austria, Britain, and Russia joined forces to drive out Napoleon from power.
  • Finallly in 1802 they signed a peace treaty and he coul dfocuse on restoring France.
Photo by wili_hybrid


  • In 1800 the people voted on a new constitution
  • This gave all the power to Napoleon as first consul
  • His first task was to straighten out the economy
  • He did this by setting up a method of tax collection and greating a national banking system
  • He also set up government run public schools
Photo by deltaMike


  • In 1801 Napolean signed a concordat with Pope Pius VII
  • This created a better relationship with the church and state
  • In 1803 Napolean sells the Louisiana Territory to the united States
Photo by Gaspa


  • In 1804 Napoleon creates a set of laws known as the Napoleonic Code
  • This gave the whole country as set of laws
  • Napoleon becomes an emperor
  • Already having much of Europe Napoleon looked to expand
  • The British, Russia, and Austrai and Sweden joined againest France because of their great power
Photo by TaylorMiles


  • The Battle of Austerlitz took place
  • Eventually the rulers of Russia, Austria, and Prussia signed a peace treaty with France
  • The Battle of Trafalgar was Napoleons only major loss
  • It took place off the southwest coast of Spain
  • Napolean was forced to give up his plans for invading Britain because of this

The Continetal System

  • Napoleon made three costly mistakes while trying to expand the French Empire
  • In 1806 Napoleon set up a blockade in Britain to prevent trade and communication between Great Britian and
  • This was suppose to target Great Britain's commercial and industrial economy
  • This blockade however did not suceed and the plan back fired with Britain creating a blockade of there own
  • With the Britain's blockade which was much stronger created tension with the U.S and the war started between Great Britain and the U.S

The Peninsular War

  • In 1808 when Napoleon sent an invasion force to accept the Continental System in Spain
  • The Spaniards ended up protesting and this lead to the Peninsular War
  • During this war Napoleonnnnnn lost a total of about 300,000 men.
  • This had a major impact on the weakening of the French Empire

Napoleon invades Russia

  • In 1812 he attempted to invade Russia with more than 420,000 soldiers
  • On September 7, 1812 the two forces fought at the Battle of Borodino.
  • Russia retreated and Napoleon moved into Moscow
  • In November the Russians attacked the worn out French army
  • In the middle of December Napoleon retreated from Moscow and only 10,000 soldiers were left.


  • Napoleon raised another amry and fought in the German city of Leipzig
  • In 1814 with his army tired and hurting he agreed to surrender and give up his throne.
  • They gave Napoleon a small pension and exiled him to a tiny island off the Italian coast.


  • Louis XVIII struggled as king and Nepoleon saw this as a opportunity to take power
  • March 1, 1815 Napoleon escaped from Ebla and went to France
  • Once he landed in France he regained his power as emperor
  • On June 18, 1815 the British army and Napoleons forces fought at the village of Waterloo
  • Napoleons army gave in and they were chased from the field

The Hundred Days

  • The defeat a Waterloo ended Napoleons power for good.
  • This time they shipped him to St. Helena a island in the South Atlantic
  • He died in 1821 from stomach ailment.