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Napoleon Hero

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  • 1830-1893
  • What is a hero?
  • Some say it is a common person who becomes great based on talent only.
  • Napoleon is a hero in my opinion

Napoleon not only changed France,but also changed the civilized world for the future with his military victories and domestic polices

Intelligent and motivated
1778-Napoleon began education in France at age 9
1779-He entered cadet school at age 10
1785-Napoleon become 2nd lieutenant of artillery
1792-he was promoted to captain

1793-Napoleon became major and then Brigadier General. Won over 90% of battles in which he fought.
Participated and led troops in more that 60 battles

Brilliant military leader
Napoleon strengths were with strategy and intelligent tactics. He had the ability to anticipate the actions of his opponent.
He added territory to France he made it a world power

The battle of Austerlitz
Napoleons greatest victory against Russia and Austria.
He won with the use of strategy even though his troops were outnumbered

Implemented several important domestic polices
Possibly napoleons greatest achievement
These polices changed the civilized world for the future

Napoleon created the back of France
This action stabilized the economy of France
Added taxation snitch helped pay of military debt

Napoleon changed the education system of France
He believed in equality should be are first goal he also changed teaching policies

Introduced the concordat
That defined the status of Roman Catholic Church it ended the conflict between the two

The Napoleonic Code
This changed governments for France and countries in the future. It included state constitutions, bill of rights, mall equality and due process before arrest.

Legion of Honor Award

This was given for outstanding service and loyalty.

It was so important that men worked hard to achieve the award.

This policy helped with motivation and effort among the troops.

Arc de Triumphe
This monument is Paris gave people pride in their country
It is still there today so Napoleons influence and achievements are still honored.