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Narco Corridos

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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A narco corrido is a subgenre type of music. The narco corrido singers focus their songs on drugs and famous narcos around the country. This type of music is dated back to the early 20th century.

Photo by Pepe Rivera


  • Accordion
  • Acoustic guitar
  • Trumpet
  • Tuba
  • Bajo sexto
  • Drums
  • Vocals
Photo by tgrauros

A famous narco named Gerardo Ortiz written a narco corrido song. The name of the song is "Los Duros De Colombia". This song is based on the narco Pablo Escobar. The lyrics of the song tell us about how rough the life of a narco is.

Gerard Ortiz- Los duros de colombia
Hay poder hay dinero hay respeto
Mandaderos clientes y paquetes
Pero cuando coronas la vuelta
Te conviertes en duro de cuento
Aquel hombre que porta una escolta
Y de pronto lo busca el gobierno

Hay carteles equipos y rangos
Poderosos multimillonarios
Medellin de Pablito y su gente
Escobar un hombre respetado
Supo hacer deshacer al gobierno
Fue violento y asi fue aceptado

Las batallas que fueron ganadas
Las derrotas no son olvidadas
Hay venganza por eso hay respeto
Todo tiene la causa y efecto
Los politicos y guerrilleros
Se deslumbran al ver el dinero

Hubo guerra traicion delincuencia
Pero nunca se vio la pobreza
Trabajaban asi los hermanos
Sin tener al gobierno y sus rejas
Cali fue de los mas respetados
Los Rodriguez formaron su empresa

Por el norte del valle presente
Poderoso cartel del oriente
La virtud de la mente maestra
Se combina con las estrategias
Traficar el negocio asociado
Y los reyes son los colombianos

Hay soplones santos y embalados
Las chulitas siempre de mi agrado
Ni toparse nos busca el gobierno
Si nos tuerzen luego nos pillamos
Mas de pronto que siga este cuento
Son los duros narcocolombianos

Photo by szeke

Song translation
There is no money to no respect
Mandaderos customers and packages
But when crowns around
You become hard to tell
Man carrying an escort
And suddenly it seeks government

There are signs equipment and ranges
Powerful billionaires
Pablito Medellin and its people
Escobar a respected man
I knew how to rid the government
It was so violent and was accepted

The battles were won
The defeats are not forgotten
So there is no revenge respect
Everything has cause and effect
Political and guerrilla
Glaring to see money

There was treason war crime
But I never saw poverty
Brothers worked well
Without the government and its bars
Cali was the most respected
The Rodriguez formed their company

To the north of this valley
Eastern powerful cartel
The virtue of mastermind
It is combined with strategies
Trafficking this partner
And the kings are Colombians

There are saints and packed informers
The chulitas always to my liking
Neither the government seeks to encounter us
If we then we were caught tuerzen
But suddenly you follow this story
They are hard narcocolombianos

Photo by danifeb

Pablo Escobar

Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria (December 1, 1949 – December 2, 1993) was a notorious Colombian drug lord who at the height of his career, supplied about 80% of the cocaine smuggled into the US. Known as "The King of Cocaine", he was the wealthiest criminal in history, with an estimated known net worth of US$30 billion by the early 1990s, and approximately US$50 billion when including money that was buried in different areas of Colombia.