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Published on Nov 19, 2015

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What is Nationalism?
Nationalism is pride for your country and expressing patriotic feelings, beliefs, or principles towards your country.

Photo by familymwr

Words You Need To Know.
Prestige - Reputation or influence arising from success, achievment, rank, or other favorable attributes.

Photo by ecstaticist

Nationalist - A Person devoted to their country. member of a political group advocating or fighting for national independence, a strong national government.

Populous - Full of residents or inhabitants, as a region; heavily populated.

Photo by mrlins

National Selfdetermination - Creation of national governmental institutions by a group of people who view themselves as a distinct nation.

Nationalism occurs when a race of group of people create an indentity in which they have a love and a loyalty for. This group will have a common factor of race, language, culture or religion. The desire of independent nations for dominance and prestige.In addition to political conflicts, the causes of In addition to political conflicts, the causes of the war included such forces as Nationalism or patriotism. Nationalism led European nations to compete for the largest army and navy, or the greatest industrial development. It also gave groups of subject peoples the idea of forming independent nations of their own. As the powers try to dominate each other in Europe, their rivalries may be regarded as one of the causes of the First World War. There was two kinds of nationalism in 19th Century Europe. The desire of subject peoples for independence and the desire for independant nations for dominace and prestige. This led to …

Photo by Werner Kunz

Your Country needs you!


This picture represnets Nationalism in Germany because it shows Kaiser Wilhelm he was the last German emperor, He believed on creating a world empire lead only by the "perfect Germans." The picture is showing him saying "Your country needs you" therfore meaning he wanted his people to join with him in creating an army to create a Germen world empire. His beleif and support essentially helped cause WWI.


This picture represents nationalim for Britain becuase you can see the British flag in the backround. Nationalism is shown with the text saying "Together." This shows that britain has many nationalists and they all will fight for their country, becuase they have strong pride for it.

Photo by Kol Tregaskes

This picture represents nationalism becuase the text is saying " Who is absent?, its you?" which means that Winston Churchill( who was the prime minister during WW1) wanted people who had pride and dedication to their nation to fight in the war besides him. We know that Winston Churchill represents the british army because of his shirt and the fact that it has the british flag on it.

Photo by M i x y

1.What 2 types of Nationalism occurd in early 19th century Europe?

The desire of subject people for independance. and - The desire for indipendant nations for dominance and prestige.

2. How did Nationalism influence Gavrilo Princip in 1914?
Gavrilo Princip, a serbian Activist , assasinated Franz Ferdinand because it was the anniversary when Serbia lost its independace to Bosnia.

3. How was Kaiser Wilhems nationalism part of what started World War One?
Wilhelms nationalism helped start WW1 becuase of his strong belief in making a world empire run by germans, and he wanted to do that by creating a big disructive army.

Photo by Leo Reynolds