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Nationalism And Unification

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Region that included most of present-day Greece, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, and former Yougoslavia.

Blood and Iron

"Blood and Iron" was the speech that Otto Von Bismarck gave with a belief that a strong industry and military was needed in a country to have success. The blood represented the military while the iron represented the industry of Germany.

Camillo Di Cavour

Prime minister of the Independent Italian State do Piedmont who organized the effort to drive Austria out of all of the another Italian States.


Chief minister of Germany

Photo by hdes.copeland

Charles X

King of France was determine to restore munch absolutism as possible. He was restored to power by the Congress of Vienna. His conservative actions prompted his overthrow in 1830.

Photo by sacra-moneta

Congress of Vienna

A meeting in European leaders in Vienna Austria whose goal was to return all lands back to their countries and return power back to the royal families bringing back the Monarchy System.

Photo by Werner Kunz


People who are against change and hold to traditional values and attitudes.

Photo by norbet1

Giuseppe Garabaldi

Revolutionary leader in the Southern Italian States whose military
Tactics were superior to those of his opponents.
He was a key leader in the unification process of the nation

Photo by roger4336

Guerilla Warfare

Type of fighting in which solders use swift hit-and-run attacks again the enemy.


A powerful class of landed aristocrats in Prussia who supported Bismarck's plan for the unification of Germany. Bismarck was a junker.


German translation for the Latin word Caesar.

Photo by mharrsch


People who are open to new ideas and are willing to move away form tradition.

Photo by wstera2


Nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte was elected president of France. Took the title of emperor Napoleon III, taking advance of the political instability of France.

Photo by josefnovak33


King who replaced Charles X in France, he lost popularity with the people of France and was overthrown in favor of a republic.


The building-up of a country's military and to use the military to gain and maintain political and economic strength.

Photo by simononly


Is the cultural identity of people.

Otto Von Bismarck

Chancellor of Prussia who led the unification process using militarism and "Blood and Iron".

Photo by Bernt Rostad


People who want a total and complete change in social and political reform.


"Realistic politics" which means a political and military leader does whatever it takes to reach their goal.

Photo by widdowquinn

Seven weeks war

In 1866 Bismarck provoked Austria into declaring war on Prussia, with use of new technology.


Bring together of many independent states into one country or nation using Nationalism as the motivation.

Victor Emmanuel

Was the king of the Piedmont, the independent Nothern Italian State.

Photo by Polybert49

Wilhilm I

Was the king of Prussia, the Northern German State that led unification.

Photo by AvidlyAbide