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Native american assimilation

Published on Nov 18, 2015

AP United States History project


Native american assimilation

by Alishia Orloff
Photo by anyjazz65

American policies shattered the Native culture through the removal of their homes and the destruction of their livelihoods and way of life.

Loss of Tribal land

Robert Lindneux: The Trail of Tears, painted in 1942

The early founders of the American nation believed that assimilation for the Indian was possible and necessary

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Boarding Schools

destruction of traditional Indian cultural identities

“civilization fund” (3 U. S. Stat. 516) to encourage native mission education. Mission instruction sought to teach American Indian children “the English language, the principles of the Christian religion, and the arts of civilized life,”

Alterations to tribal life


Gang Affiliation

Substance abuse: Annual Averages of 1999, 2000, and 2001

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