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Natural MOnopoly

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Natural MOnopoly

a market that runs most efficiently when a lg. firm supplies all the output
Photo by in_2_the_fray


  • a market that runs most efficiently when a lg. firm supplies all the output
Photo by bark


  • The utilities industry 
  • The cost of establishing a means to produce power and supply it to 
  • -each household can be very large
  • The capital cost is a strong deterrent for competitors 
Photo by ShadowedHills

examples continued

  • Railways 
  • Cost of laying a track and building a network
  • Buying or leasing trains
  • running a rival network would be wasteful

How this benefits society

  • Having multiple firms operating in a these industries is economically 
  • -inefficient 
  • Making it a simpler choice