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Natural Revelation

Published on Nov 23, 2015

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Read Jer1:4-8

What was Jeremiah's response to God? Why were you created?
Photo by Max Eremine

St. Anselm

God is "that than which nothing greater can be thought"
Photo by ~Oryctes~

If it is greater to exist in reality than just in the mind

then God must exist


Your call to holiness...how to express love.


How we come to know God
Photo by TheRevSteve

Natural Revelation

Coming to know God in the created world through reason.
Photo by Paul. B


Man fully alive is the glory of God
Photo by VinothChandar

Divine Revelation

God's self-communication of salvation in Jesus/Religion.

The Church

The Body of Christ
Photo by Semilla Luz

Sacred Scripture

Old and New Testament/ Word of God
Photo by cactusmelba

Sacred Tradition

Passing on the Gospel from oral traditions, to Scripture, teaching of the Church.

Deposit of Faith

Scripture + Tradition= 2 Pillars


"To Save"
Photo by felixtsao

Divine Inspiration

Holy Spirit preserving truth

Fathers of the Church

St. Augustine, St. Ambrose, and St. Irenaeus extend the writings
Photo by marcp_dmoz


pg.32 ?'s 1-5,7/ Study Guide
Photo by John-Morgan