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Nazi Force

Published on May 02, 2016

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Nazi Force

The Holocaust was Hitler's legacy, and unfortunately it wasn't a good one. Hitler's forces started to spread their plague across Europe in 1933 through the Nazi SS and SA divisions. These were the people that rounded up, shot, gassed, transported, and tortured the Jews. They did this because they needed someone to follow, someone lead them out of depression, and Hitler just happened to be that someone.

The SS controlled the German police, the concentration camp system, the intelligence collection/analysis, the settlement/population policy, the security, and the identification of ethnicity.

Hitler put an especially high amount of power in this group and chose a man that would use that power with the most brutality, Heinrich Himmler. Himmler only chose candidates considered to be the "racial elite," or in other words, the ones who hate the Jews the most.

The Sturmabteilung (Storm Section) was created by Hitler and later became known as the SA. SA members became known as Storm Troopers which might ring a bell but they're not from Star Wars, those Storm Troopers were a lot nicer.

Storm Troopers were given the task of controlling the Nazi party membership and to harass all others who posed even the slightest threat. That was their task but they still found time to harass the Jews. Gangs of SA members held street rallies and attacked individual Jews. The storm division was nothing more than a water gun compared to the Einsatzgruppen.

The Einsatzgruppen (Nazi Special Actions Group). The Einsatzgruppen was the definition of murder. Their one and only task was to kill as many Jews as fast as possible. They killed in the most sinister ways, sometimes beat to death, buried alive, burned, gassed, and worked to death.

Ironically, being shot was good and bad luck. It was good luck because the Jews weren't tortured until death but the bad luck was that Jews were killed. They were very efficient in their work but not widely used at the begging of the Holocaust because of how many witnesses it left.

Nazi Camps and Marches. Death camps were the absolute most sinister yet efficient way for the Nazis to execute the Final solution. These systems were efficient to the Nazis because they were hidden from western eyes, capable of mass killings, and didn’t use ammunition.

The camps were the worst because Jews were starved, beaten, and gassed. Some were told they were going to be given a bath but in reality it meant they were going to have their lungs filled with toxic chemicals.

Death marches were primarily used towards the end of the holocaust when the Nazis attempted to get rid of the remaining survivors. Some who went on these marches were liberated by Ally troops, those who weren't had gone a different way.

Why? Why did the Nazis kill Jews with so much hate? Why did they blame the Jews? Why did they torture them? The answer is simple and childish, they wanted someone to blame.

It seems stupid to even think like that as an adult, so why was Hitler like this? Hitler might have had a reason to dislike someone but not to hate all the Jews, so why did he?

Conclusion. Hitler truly raised an army of hatred towards the Jews and made it his legacy. He accomplished such evil that people shutter just by the thought of it happening again. The groups that he organized were those from below. People who were in these groups gave their ticket away when they joined. We remember this brutality, death, loss, destruction, and war to make sure it never repeats itself. Nazi Force was truly a force of evil.