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Nc Symbols Project

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Photo by paulhami

North Carolina's state shell is the Scotch Bonnet. It's found in the North Carolina coastal water's between 50 to150ft. It was designated as state shell in 1965. North Carolina was the first state to adopt a state shell.

North Carolina's state dog is the Plott Hound. It was designated in 1987. The Plott Hound is athletic,muscular,and agile. Plott Hound's should be approximately 20 to 25in tall and 50 to 60lb if that are males. Females should be 20 to 23in tall and 40 to 45lb. Plott Hound's live up to 12 to 14 years and they can run up to 35 mph. They are the 3rd fastest dog in the world.

North Carolina's state plant is the Venus Flytrap. They were designated in 2005. They eat insects and spiders. They face a high extinction in the wild. They live up to 10 to 11 year's.

The North Carolina's state reptile is the Eastern Box Turtle. It was designated in 1979. They eat plants,fish,snails,berries,
Fungi,sometimes,and snake. They live up to 100 years and over. They can grow to be 7in and lay 3 to 8 eggs.

North Carolina's state beverage is milk. Milk was designated in 1987. Seventeen other state's have milk as their state beverage. We mostly use cow milk but other animals make milk too.We use milk in many of foods.

Photo by nickwheeleroz

North Carolina's state horse is the Spanish mustang. It was designated in 2010. Fourteen other states designated them too. They weigh up to 850 pounds. They run up to 42mph.

Photo by alauruin

North Carolina's state flower is dogwood. It was designated in 1941. The dogwood tree is one of the most common trees in North Carolina. They appear in the Spring and continue in the Summer. They are usually white but shades of pink and red are not uncommon.

Photo by Dr. RawheaD

North Carolina's state bird is the cardinal. It was designated in 1943. It's the state bird of 17 other states. The male cardinal are brilliant scarlet red. Females are brown and they have red feathers. They lay 3 to 4 pale green eggs with brown spots.

Photo by cseeman

North Carolina's state stone is the emerald. It was designated in 1973. Emeralds are green gems. They are very valuable and unique. Many people wear them and use them as jewelry. The birthstone of May is the emerald.

North Carolina's state salt water fish is the channel bass. It was designated in 1971. They live salt water. You usually find them in large numbers along the Tar Heel coastal waters. They can weigh between 30 to 40 pounds.