What is the NCCD Model?
- Step 1: Is there an adjustment?
- Step 2: What is the level of adjustment?
- Step 3: What is the category of disability?
- Step 4: Record and submit the data
Step 1-Is there an adjustment?
Determine which students are receiving adjustments to access education because of disability, consistent with definitions and obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) and Disability Standards for Education 2005 (the Standards).
-Adjustments are actions taken to enable a student with disability to access and participate in education on the same basis as other students. Adjustments reflect the assessed individual needs of the student. They can be made at the whole-school level, in the classroom and at an individual student level.
Providing adjustments
In providing an adjustment, schools assess the functional impact of the student's disability in relation to education. This includes the impact on communication, mobility, curriculum access, personal care and social participation. Other areas that might be considered for some students are safety, motor development, emotional wellbeing, sensory needs and transitions.
Adjustments can be made across any or all of the following:
teaching and learning
extracurricular activities
environment and infrastructure
Step 2- What is the level of adjustment?
In the NCCD, there are four levels of adjustment:
1. support provided within quality differentiated teaching practice
2. supplementary adjustments
3. substantial adjustments
4. extensive adjustments.
Step 3- What is the category of disability?
Determine the broad category of disability for each student from one of four categories:
1. physical
2. cognitive
3. sensory
4. social/emotional
Step 4; Record and submit the data
- data colection/evidence/sighted and signed off