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Near Twins And Black Sheep The Genealogy of Elements

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Near Twins And Black Sheep The Genealogy of Elements

By. Joseph Elliott and Jordan Euliss

Elements in this Chapter

Carbon, Silicon, and Germanium

Elements and proteins have a lot in common. Carbon is the building block for amino acids, and amino acids are building blocks for life.

Photo by dullhunk

Silicon is very similar to Carbon. Silicon is used to make computer chips and other computer parts.

Silicon is thought to have the ability to be the building block of life on other planets.

Photo by widdowquinn

Some creatures like sea urchins have silicon in their spines, and some believe silicon could form brains as complex as a carbon-based one.

Photo by _DJ_

Under silicon there is Germanium. The "sorry, no-luck element," the black sheep of the column.

Photo by Ionics

Germanium was used in "the world's first solid-state amplifier" but was later replaced by silicon, the element that was less reactive.

Photo by Carbon Arc