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Slide Notes



Published on Aug 04, 2018

No Description



By Christine Robbins

What is it?

Website that is an interactive presentation tool
Explain what Nearpod is
Photo by JD Hancock

How it works

  • Easily import existing lessons
  • Add interactive features such as Virtual Field Trips, 3D Objects, Quizzes, Polls, Open Ended Questions and more!
  • Easily make new lessons or pull from large data base of already made lessons
Explain all that Nearpod has to offer over the next two slides
Photo by Kelli Tungay


  • Easily download and customize ready to teach lessons
  • There are thousands of free or paid lessons from other educators.
  • Easily customize pre-made lesson to meet the needs of your students
Explain how there are so many lessons already made that you can adjust to your needs.

What Makes it Special?

  • Teachers share a live session with the class.
  • Students enter the code.
  • The lesson is synced to all students devices.
How is it different then other presentation tools? How is it better than standing in front of the class and presenting information?

Evaluate Students

  • You can easily pull up individual student answers or whole class.
  • You can generate post-session reports.
Explain the evaluation component of Nearpod

Every Student has a Voice

  • Every student is held accountable by actively participating in the lesson.
  • Teachers can pull responses up on the board and discuss students work.
How it holds every student accountable so no one is sitting back and not participating.

Options for Slides

  • Draw it
  • Open Ended Questions
  • Quiz
  • Poll
  • Video
  • Audio
  • Field Trip
  • Fill in the Blanks
  • Memory Test
  • Collaborate
All the options for different slides
Photo by Mauropm

Things You Can Do

  • You can upload chunks of the text and have students take notes as they read, high light answers, draw on the text, etc.
Explain some cool things you can do for reading

Benefit for ELL & All Students

  • Interactive
  • Immediate Feedback
  • Collaborative with Peers
  • Multiple Strategies
  • Easily Differentiate Questions
  • Chunk text so no one is overwhelmed
Explain how Nearpod benefits all students
Photo by Nathan Dumlao

Leveled Questions

  • Through Nearpod you can include different color coded questions and have different groups answer the certain color (differentiation)
  • You can rotate colors and mix up groups so students are unaware of the leveled questions.
  • You can have ELL students draw their answers rather than type out depending on ability.
Explain what the leveled question strategy is and how Nearpod will support this strategy

Leveled Questions...

  • You can have ELL students draw their answers rather than type out depending on ability.
Explain how you can differentiate
Photo by USDAgov

Cloze Reading

  • Easily leave out words in the fill in the blank to have students add works to check for understanding/ comprehension
Explain what Close Reading strategy is and how Nearpod will support this strategy
Photo by Mike Fox


  • Use fill in the blank for equations
  • Use drawing for being able to show their work
  • Use the video and audio for teaching/ showing other way's
  • Display students work to have them explain their thinking or each others thinking
Explain how Nearpod can be used for other subjects like math
Photo by Alan Cleaver


  • Being able to break up the text and as comprehension questions as you go through
  • Explain the Scientific Process
  • Draw how the experiment will be set up
Explain how Nearpod can be used during your science block

You Won't Be Disappointed

Photo by Great Beyond


How to get to nearpod


  • Herrell, A., & Jordan, M. (2012). 50 Strategies for teaching English language learners (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.
  • Nearpod (n.d.). Retrieved from https://nearpod.com/
  • Sousa, D. (2011). How the ELL brain learns. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
Photo by Will Montague

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