Stuck in a marriage that you know needs help
You want counseling but your spouse doesn't?
Forcing a spouse typically brings little fruit
People usually need hit a "bottom" or ..
..get a divine revelation before they are willing
There are 3 things you can do to help the situation
1.Eliminate enabling behaviors and have proper boundaries
You may need counseling help for that..
2.Declare Matthew 16:19 over your spouse
Bind the demons and loose the Holy Spirit. For example...
"In the name of Jesus, I bind up the spirits of pride, rejection and anger in my wife/husband. I bind you with the blood of Jesus and say you will torment them. I loose the Holy Spirit and ask that you will bring him/her to the place of repentance. Reveal your great Love, Father and speak words of life and hope to them"
Do not be a doormat.
Meet with a pastor or Christian Counselor
You need the Word, power and peace of God to help you
We've seen God restore marriages even when one partner purpose to meet their spouses needs in the face of opposition
Bonus content: Buy "Love & Respect" book by Eggerichs
Based on Eph 6:33: Husbands are to love their wives and..
Wives are to respect their husbands.
You can improve the situation by doing your part alone!
Be faithful to God's word and see how He responds!
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