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Need to Know Info

Published on Dec 11, 2015

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Keely Kushmider

Need to Know Info

  • It acts on the central nervous system to relive pain
  • Has a high potential for addiction with its users
  • It is in the opiate catogory
  • Can be used for actual medical purposes

What it does to its users

  • Morphine decreases pain and attention to what's going on in the real world
  • When the drug wears off, unpleasant withdrawal effects like can occur
  • Users can develop a psychological dependence to the drug
  • Can cause user to have an unusual sense of well being and tolerance
  • An overdose can cause loss of control of breathing/ respiratory failure

Morphine and the brain

  • The human brain has specific receptor sites for opiates
  • This was because the structure of morphine is similar to endorphins
  • Endorphins go between nerve cells and decrease pain 
  • Because it looks alike, morphine does the same but is more powerful 
  • Users of morphine can also control how much of it goes to their brains

treatments for abuse

  • Residential Treatment
  • Counseling 
  • Intervention
  • Sober Living
  • Partial Hospitalization