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Negatives of Technology

Published on Nov 20, 2015

English Assignment


Negatives of Technology

Jesse Kreiter B3
Photo by jessgrrrr

Thinking Changed

  • Technology decreases the the ability for children to comprehend and process information and it disables them just enough to not let them imagine ideas and create their own ideas.
DeLoatch, Pamela. "The Four Negative Sides of Technology." The Four Negative Sides of Technology. Edudemic, 2 May 2015. Web. 16 May 2015. .
Photo by jessgrrrr


  • Without technology kids are able to see others emotions and are able to socialize better and more often.
DeLoatch, Pamela. "The Four Negative Sides of Technology." The Four Negative Sides of Technology. Edudemic, 2 May 2015. Web. 16 May 2015. .
Photo by jessgrrrr


  • More kids and adults are starting to use more and more technology and what they do not realize is that they become so intised in their phone or video game that they don't go outside to exercise or eat healthy. This inactivity and unhealthy eating causes obesity.
DeLoatch, Pamela. "The Four Negative Sides of Technology." The Four Negative Sides of Technology. Edudemic, 2 May 2015. Web. 16 May 2015. .
Photo by jessgrrrr

Lack of Privacy

  • Not only can it cause all those other things but technology also causes a lack of privacy that can put kids at risk for inappropriate things or it can set them up for cyber-bullying.
DeLoatch, Pamela. "The Four Negative Sides of Technology." The Four Negative Sides of Technology. Edudemic, 2 May 2015. Web. 16 May 2015. .
Photo by jessgrrrr

Works Cited

  • All information came from : DeLoatch, Pamela. "The Four Negative Sides of Technology." The Four Negative Sides of Technology. Edudemic, 2 May 2015. Web. 16 May 2015. .