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Nelson Mandela

Published on Nov 23, 2015

historical figure project


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Early life
Nelson Mandela was born July 18,1918. He was born into the madiba clan in in the village of mvezo, Transkei in Africa

Nelson Mandela was born in the mvezo, Transkei village. His mother was nonqphi nosekeni. His father was nkosimphakviswa gadla Mandela. nkosimphakviswa was the principle councilor to the acting king of the the bus people.

Family (continued)
Lieby piliso - sister
Mabel Notancu Ntimakhwe -Sister
Nothusile Bhulehluth-Sister
Constance Mbekeni Mandela-Sister
Baliwe Mandela-Sister
Nomabandla Mandela-Brother
Mhlalwa Mandela-Brother

Photo by hdptcar

Family (continued again)
Nelson mamdela's wife(s)
Graça Machel (m. 1998–2013)
Winnie Madikizela-Mandela (m. 1958–1996
Evelyn Mase (m. 1944–1958)

Photo by Luciano_Alves

Evelyn Mase
1. Madiba Thembekile Mandela
2. Makaziwe Mandela
3. Magkatho Lewanika Mandela
4. Pumla Makaziwe Mandela
With Winnie Mandela
5. Zenani Dlamini
6. Zindzi Mandela

the first school he attended was wesley mission school. he learned many life skills from his father. the last school he went to was clarkebury boarding school, where he graduated two yeAars eaely.

Photo by mariskar

Mandela had three main jobs. he was head of state, activist and leaader ion the african natonal congres ( anc).

Photo by 'S'

nelson mandela had three main jobs. he was and activist, heasd of state, and leader in the african national congress (anc).

Photo by 'S'

historical achievement
nelson Mandela leader the movement to end the apartheid. the apartheid was a policy of segregation or discrimination o n grounds off race. he also was an advocate for human rights and worked with the Anc.

historical achievements (continued)

  • he co-founded the Umknotnto we sizwe.
  • protested against the white minority.

nelson's impact
nelson made a huge impact, he was a large part of human rights movements. He brought justice to many Africans that had to deal with apartheid. kjnjknjn

nelson Mandela's significance

  • he help the unification of South Africa
  • co-founded the military wing off the Anc in response to the sharpville massacre.
  • Ended Aoatheid

how did he become famous.

  • Nelson put his whole life into his belief that all men should be equal. he was sent to jail for nearly 30 year because of this. he became a cultural symbol of freedom. he also won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.

" If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to a man in his language, it goes to his heart."
-nelson mandela


  • his quote means that you can speak to anyone and the will understand it but if you talk to them they will understand you and take what you're saying to heart.

Nelson Mandela's death

  • nelson died december 5, 2013 of a lung infection at his home in johannesburg, south africa.

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Nelson Mandela was elected president of the ANC in 1994. this happened because he was well liked by everyone, he had political expirence wioth the ANC, and he was known for ending apartheid.

when he was elected, he becamne the first black president of south america. he was part of the first open election in the history of south america. a short time after the election he won the Nobel Peace Prize.

this event impacted the world a lot. it influenced many countries to have mixed race elections. America's current president is Barack Obama, an African American. the outcome of this event was positive. this helped Affrica by showing the people abput equal rights.

political cartoons

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