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Nelson Mandela

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Nelson mandela

BY: Lee Yang
Photo by Debris2008

Facts about Nelson mandela

  • Nelson Mandela became the the First African President of South Africa.
  • Nelson Mandela was born in July 18, 1918 in Mvezo, South Africa.
  • Nelson Mandela was Jailed in August 5, 1962 for supporting the ANC. 
  • Nelson Mandela was elected for President in 1991.
  • Nelson Mandela used sports to bring the racially divided country together. 
Photo by Paul Jacobson

POsitive Effects of Nelson Mandela

  • Nelson Mandela was elected to be President of South Africa.
  • Nelson Mandela had changed the world from racism.
  • Nelson Mandela was the Leader of the ANC group.
  • Nelson Mandela brought Americans and Africans together.
Photo by tedeytan

Negative Effects of Nelson Mandela

  • Nelson Mandela was in jail for 27 years.
  • At his trial, he was accused guilty to 156 acts of public violence.
  • The Americans hated Nelson Mandela and his actions.
  • The Americans accused Nelson Mandela as a terrorist. 
Photo by afagen

Nelson Mandela Foundation. "Biography." – Nelson Mandela Foundation. 2013. Nelson Mandela Foundation. 18 Feb. 2014

A&E Networks Television. "Nelson Mandela Biography." Bio.com. A&E Networks Television, 2013. Web. 18 Mar. 2014.

Photo by markjowen66