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Nelson Mandela

Published on Nov 23, 2015

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Nelson Mandela was born on July 18, 1918 and was a part Madiba clan. He had four sisters and two brothers. His father died when he was very young and it impacted his life very much. His father died from a severe case of tuberculous and unfortunately suffered a very painful death. Nelson's father was getting ready to be a chief in their tribe and was very important. Because of this, the whole tribe was devastated when he died. When Nelson was around a toddler age, one of his friends recommended for him to be baptized into the Methodist church and when his mother approved, he was immediately sent to be baptized.

When he was middle aged, Nelson Mandela worked to eliminate apartheid. Apartheid is a specific condition that used to be in South Africa where caucasian or white people had more rights than African American people. Nelson Mandela strongly disagreed with this condition and ended up spending a total of twenty-seven years in prison in the attempt to end it. In February of 1990, the president of South Africa ordered the release of Nelson from a local South African prison and began to end the apartheid system. Just like the civil rights movement here in America, many white people protested and because of this, it took several years to completely abolish apartheid. However, near 1993 apartheid was completely gone.

In 1991, Nelson's political life began when he was elected president of the African National Congress (ANC). From there, he went on to become the president of South Africa and was in that position from May 10, 1994 – June 14, 1999. During his rule he ended racism in South Africa and stopped apartheid. Just a few weeks ago, Nelson passed away at the age of 95. Nelson will always be loved and remembered as the man who built a country in its time of need.

Photo by lildude