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Neptune's planetary travel guide

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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the planets name

the name Neptune comes from the roman sea god Neptune. it was named Neptune not only because its colour looks like the ocean but also because it is in "deep" space. (deep sea-deep space).
Photo by kevin dooley

planets discovery

Neptune's existence was predicted in 1846, after calculations showed perturbations in the orbit of Uranus. The calculations were done independently by both J.C. Adams and Le Verrier. Neptune was then observed by J.G. Galle and d'Arrest on September 23, 1846.

planet's size

There are many ways to determine ‘how big is Neptune’. It has an equatorial radius 24,764 km, a polar radius of 24,341 km, and a surface area of 7.6408×10,sup>9km2. It has a volume of 6.254×1013km3, a mass of 1.0243×1026kg, and a mean density of 1.638 g/cm3.


A 100-pound person would weigh 119 pounds on Neptune. this obviously means that you would weigh 19 pounds more on neptune.

position in the solar system

At aphelion (the point in Neptune's orbit farthest from the sun) Neptune is 4,546,000,000 km from the sun, at perihelion (the point in Neptune's orbit closest from the sun) Neptune is 4,456,000,000 km from the sun. also neptune is the 8th planet from the sun.

rotation on its axis

Each day on Neptune takes 19.1 Earth hours


A year on Neptune takes 164.8 Earth years; it takes almost 165 Earth years for Neptune to orbit the sun once.
Photo by thekeithhall


Neptune's thick atmosphere consist of 74% hydrogen, 25% helium and about 1% methane. The atmosphere merges into the planet's mantle. Neptune's atmosphere has icy clouds and enormous storms. These features change rapidly because of tremendous winds that whip around the planet. Neptune has the fastest winds in our Solar System. Icy particles of methane in the outer parts of its atmosphere give Neptune its deep blue color; methane absorbs red light.
Photo by VinothChandar


Neptune's temperature is about 72 kelvins which is 200 degrees colder then earth but to me that is not surprising considering how much farther away from the sun neptune is.
Photo by mrlins


It is most likely that Neptune has a small solid core of a rocky material about the mass of the Earth surrounded by a layer of liquid which is probably Water with molecules of methane and ammonia. Neptune's blue color is caused by the methane (CH4) in its atmosphere; this molecule absorbs red light.
Photo by jah~


Neptune has 13 moons, Triton, Nereid, Naiad, Thalassa, Despina, Larissa, Proteus, and Galatea, plus five smaller, unnamed moons. Triton and Proteus orbit close to Neptune; Nereid is in a distant orbit. Triton is the only moon in our Solar System with a retrograde orbit (orbiting in the opposite direction than its primary, Neptune, is rotating). The moon Triton is the coldest measured object in our Solar System, and Nereid is the Solar System object with the most eccentric orbit. The moons of Neptune in order of distance from Neptune. Moon Photo Discovery Distance from the center of Neptune (km) Diameter (km) Orbital period (in Earth days) 1.Naiad NASA's Voyager 2 mission, 1989 48,230 58 0.29 2.Thalassa NASA's Voyager 2 mission, 1989 50,070 80 0.3 3.Despina NASA's Voyager 2 mission, 1989 52,530 148 0.33 4.Galatea NASA's Voyager 2 mission, 1989 61,950 158 .43 5.Larissa NASA's Voyager 2 mission, 1989 73,550 104 x 89 0.5 6.Proteus NASA's Voyager 2 mission, 1989 117,650 218 x 208 x 201 1.1 Neptune's second largest moon. This dark moon has a circular orbit just over the cloud-tops of Neptune. Proteus is dotted with impact craters and is irregularly shaped. 7.Triton Wm. Lassell, 1846 354,760 2,704 Synchronous The largest of the 8 moons of Neptune. Unlike all other large planetary moons, Triton has a retrograde orbit (it rotates opposite to Neptune's rotation) and is in synchronous orbit. It also has a highly inclined axis. Triton is the coldest object that has been measured in our Solar System, with a temperature of -235° C (-391° F). This rocky moon has a polar ice cap at its south pole and many other varied geologic features including volcanoes, huge cracks. in the surface, and geysers of gaseous nitrogen. It has a very thin, hazy atmosphere (mostly nitrogen) and a windy surface covered with nitrogen ice. Triton is slowly spiraling in towards Neptune. 8.Nereid G. Kuiper, 1949 5,513,400 340 360.1 Neptune's outermost (and third largest) moon is Nereid, which has an irregular shape. It is the smaller of Neptune's 2 larger moons. It has a VERY elliptical orbit, going as close as 867,000 miles from Neptune and as far as 6 million miles from it; it may be a captured asteroid. It takes almost one Earth year for Nereid to orbit Neptune in this extreme orbit (360.1 days). Nereid's has the most eccentric orbit in the solar system. The distance from Nereid to Neptune varies from about 1,353,600 kilometers (841,100 miles) to over seven times as far, 9,623,700 kilometers (5,980,200 miles).
Photo by Kevin


Neptune is circled by a system of very thin, dark rings located in clumps. These rings are are composed of small rocks and dust. They almost circular (unlike Uranus' elliptical ring system). There are three distinct rings, named Adams, Le Verrier and Galle (after the discovers of Neptune) plus a wide plateau of dust adjacent to the Le Verrier ring (this wide sheet of orbiting dust is co-orbital with the moon Galatea). These rings have been very difficult to detect because they are not uniform in thickness and density. The thicker part of the rings are called ring arcs; these are the parts of the rings that are more easily detected. The Adams ring has three prominent arcs (named Liberty, Equality and Fraternity). The gravitational pull of Neptune's moons may cause the unevenness of the rings. Some of Neptune's smaller moons may 'shepherd' the inner rings with their gravitational forces.
Photo by apdk

what would happen to a human on neptune

A human being would freeze to death on neptune plus with the winds ripping around at 1300 miles an hour nothing would be able to stay put including your self.
Photo by peterp

something special

Neptune's orbit is actually outside that of Pluto; this is because of Pluto's highly eccentric (non-circular) orbit. During this time (20 years out of every 248 Earth years), Neptune is actually the farthest planet from the Sun (and not Pluto). From January 21, 1979 until February 11, 1999, Pluto was inside the orbit of Neptune. Now and until September 2226, Pluto is outside the orbit of Neptune.