Every year 8 million babies (6% of all birth)
3.3 million children under 5 years of age
70% of birth defects can be
Key development structure
Neural plate cells fold back
* Paralysis of legs, weakness
* Learning disability
*Visual impairment
* Hearing Impairment
* Stunted growth
* Mental retardation
* Facial defects
*Difficulty in movement
* Increased muscle tone
* Respiratory issues
* Progressive enlargement of head
* Vomiting
* Nausea
* Coma
* Urinary and bowel dysfunction
* Cardiac abnormilities
Proper intake of folic acid and Vitamin B12 in the first four weeks of pregnancy (first trimester) for neurulation, may reduce the occurrence of NTD
B12 does not found in vegetables, fruits and grains.