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Neural Tube Defect

Published on Nov 27, 2015

To increase Global awareness of birth defects, 3 March 2015 is declared as first ever World Birth Defects Day. Babies who survive and live with these conditions are at an increased risk of long-term disabilities. Oratechsolve Inc is raising awareness about the impact of birth defects on mothers and child. #WorldBDDay #Commit2Deliver #EWECProgress


Neural Tube Defect

Importance of Folic acid and Vitamin B12 during first trimester
Photo by aymanz.13

Every year 8 million babies (6% of all birth)

born with serious birth defect.

3.3 million children under 5 years of age

die from birth defects every year.

3.2 million children

are disabled for life.

70% of birth defects can be

prevented or offered life saving care or reduced the severity of disability.
Photo by pavlinajane

Embryo changes

during first 3-4 weeks after conception to form central nervous system

Key development structure

that forms nervous system.

Neural plate cells fold back

to form Neural tube.

Congenital malformation

occurs when neural tube does not close completely.

* Paralysis of legs, weakness
* Learning disability
*Visual impairment
* Hearing Impairment
* Stunted growth
* Mental retardation
* Facial defects
*Difficulty in movement

* Increased muscle tone
* Respiratory issues
* Progressive enlargement of head
* Vomiting
* Nausea
* Coma
* Urinary and bowel dysfunction
* Cardiac abnormilities

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Proper intake of folic acid and Vitamin B12 in the first four weeks of pregnancy (first trimester) for neurulation, may reduce the occurrence of NTD

Photo by sciencesque

Food rich in folate

B12 does not found in vegetables, fruits and grains.