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New DEal Programs

Published on Nov 18, 2015

This is our Alphabet Soup Rankings. They are ranked from 1-13 with #1 being the CCC.


New DEal Programs

Kalyn & Josie
Photo by revbean


  • (Civilian Conservation Corporations)
  • It's a work relief program  for unemployed unmarried men ages 18-25
Photo by anyjazz65


  • (Civil Works Administration)
  • it rapidly created jobs for unemployed, mostly temporary.
  • Ended March 31, 1934
  • After $200 mil. spent/month
Photo by marsmet531


  • (Federal Housing Administration)
  • It insured loans made by banks for home building.
  • Improved housing standards/conditions.
  • Provided an adequate home financing system.


  • (Social Security Administration)
  • A social insurance program consisting of retirement,
  • disability an survivors' benefits.
Photo by DonkeyHotey


  • (Tennessee Valley Authority)
  • Provided navigation,flood control, electricity generation.
  • Economic Development
  • (Tennessee, Alabama, Michigan, Kentucky, Georgia)
Photo by ILRI


  • (Works Progress Administration)
  • Employed millions of employed people to carry out public works
  • (new parks, schools, and bridges, etc.)
Photo by ShutterRunner


  • (Reconstruction Finance Corporation)
  • Independent Agency.
  • It gave 2 mil. in aid to state and local government.
  • Made loans to banks, railroads, mortgages, businesses.


  • (Federal Emergency Relief Administration)
  • Gave loans to states to operate relief programs alleviating
  • household unemployment by creating new unskilled jobs in 
  • local and state governments.

NlRa (Wagner Act)

  • (National Labor Relations Act)
  • it guarantees basic rights of private sector employees
  • to organize into trade unions , engage in collective bargaining.
Photo by HSmade


  • (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)
  • Provides deposit insurance guaranteeing the safety of a 
  • depositors account up to $250.000.


  • (Fair Labor Standards Act)
  • Max. 44 hr seven day workweeks
  • National minimum wage
  • Overtime
  • Prohibited most child labor
Photo by mag3737


  • (Rural Electrification Administration)
  • Promoted rural electricity
  • made loans available to local electric cooperations
  • Distributed Electricity
Photo by kevin dooley


  • (Agricultural Adjustment Act)
  • It reduced agriculture production by paying farmers not 
  • to plant on part of their land.
  • The purpose was to reduce crop surplus and raise crop 
  • value.
Photo by marfis75