- Huntertown Elementary
- 2014
- 3rd grade
- Ms.sims
- By:Soraya Alfaro Garcia
Date entered statehood
The date entered statehood in New Mexico is June.15,1836
The state abbreviation
The state abbreviation for New Mexico is NM.
The state Capitol
The state Capitol in New Mexico is Santa Fe.
The state population.
The state population is 2,085,287.
The state nickname.
New mexico's state nickname is the land of enchantment.
The state song .
New Mexico's state song is called kissed by a golden sunshine.
The state bird . The state bird is called the greater raodrunner.
The state flower.
New mexico's state flower is called yucca.
The state mountain.the state mountain is called the wheeler peak.
The state mexico's state river is called rio grande.
The state lake.New Mexico's state lake is called the caballo lake.
The largest city.
The largest city in New Mexico is Albuquerque.
Major sport team.
The major sport team is high school and college
The important date.
Important dates in New Mexico are 1540-1542.
Famous people
New Mexico famous people are called the shins and brokency de.
High temperature?
The highest temperature in New Mexico is 78'f.
The lowest temperature?
The lowest temperature is 20'f.
Major crops...
The major crops would be hay,pecans,chille peppers.
The New Mexico state tourism are deming,rio rancho,chama,Socorro and espanda