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New York By Nadia Winder

Published on Dec 09, 2015

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New York
By Nadia Winder

New York is in the North East of the U.S.A.The states that are by New York are Vermont, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut ,and Massachutes.

The lowest point in New York is sea level, which is in the Atlantic Ocean. The highest point is 5,344 feet which is in Mount Marcy.

New York has 8 main land regions, which are, Atlantic Coastal Plain, New England Upland, Hudson Valley, Niagra falls, Seaway, and Finger lakes.

New York is 47,214 square miles. It is also the 30th on the size chart, so it is not the smallest state and not the biggest state.

Photo by blmiers2

The large animals in my state are the red fox, mountain lion, deer, and porcupines.

Photo by blmiers2

Some of the small animals in New York are the wood chuck, beaver, skunk, and muskrat.

Photo by corvidaceous

The population in New York is 8,176,133. That is a lot of people!

Photo by dkshots

Some of the major rivers in my state are the Allegheny, Genesee, and the Oswego.

Photo by joseph a

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Photo by Werner Kunz