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Newtons Law Of Motion Project

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Newton's first law-
An object at rest remains at rest, and an object in motion remains in motion unless acted on by an unbalanced force

This picture illustrates Newton's first law. The object is at rest and not moving. For the object to move it needs to be acted on by an unbalanced force. This could happen if the object is pushed or pulled. This relates to the law because objects at rest tend to stay at rests unless acted on by an unbalanced force.

Photo by dennisborn

This picture also illustrates the second law of motion. This car will move forever unless acted on by an unbalanced fore. Some of these forces are the brakes in the car and the tires. The velocity of the race car would change due to these forces. The car explains the first law of motion by showing that an object in motion tends to stay in motion until acted on by an unbalanced force.

Newton's second law-
The acceleration of an objects depends on the mass of the object and the amount of force applied

This picture shows the second law. It does this by showing how much force they use to move the car. Newton's second law is being showing because of the big mass of the car. The force to move an object that has a large mass needs to be a large force. The car wouldn't be able to move as much if their was less force.

Photo by __MaRiNa__

This picture also represents Newton's second law. It does this because on how it moves depending on its mass and the amount of force. It shows that you don't need much force due to the mass of the object. If more mass was added then the shopping cart would need more force.

Newton's third law-
when ever one object exerts a force on second object, the second object exerts an equal and opposite force on the first.

Photo by reynermedia

This picture illustrates Newton's third law. This picture shows that there is a action and opposite reaction. The action of the picture is the batter hitting the ball. The reaction is the ball going flying from the impact of the bat. There is always an opposite reaction when there is an action.

This picture relates to Newton's third law. This picture also has a action and reaction. The action is the guy kicking the ball. The reaction would be the ball moving from the force of the kick. This shows that when there is an action there is a reaction