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This quote is significant to me because it shows no emotions to what German guards had felt for human beings. This quote is an impacted in my life because it shows how far people came from being discriminated and dealing with rasicm. German guards killed jews because their were told to. They were told to because they wanted to get rid of jews. They wanted to get rid of the jews because they wanted to have one population. They wanted to have only one population because thats of who Hitler and SS trusted.
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Published on Nov 20, 2015

Night by Elie Wiesel


chap. 1 page 5

  • "Without passion, without haste, they slaughtered their prisoners'
This quote is significant to me because it shows no emotions to what German guards had felt for human beings. This quote is an impacted in my life because it shows how far people came from being discriminated and dealing with rasicm. German guards killed jews because their were told to. They were told to because they wanted to get rid of jews. They wanted to get rid of the jews because they wanted to have one population. They wanted to have only one population because thats of who Hitler and SS trusted.
Photo by WarzauWynn

chapter 1 Page 6

  • "Jews, listen to me. It's all I ask of you. I don't want money or pity.
  • Only listen to me".
This quote is significant to me because the quote shows emotions for how Moshe is feeling. This quote is important to me because it shows feelings and concern of one's heart. This quote reflects on me because of just having someone open their ears. Moshe was feeling this way because he wanted to show them his feelings. He wanted them to show his feelings to them because he felt concern for everyone. He felt concern for everyone because he wanted help for them. He wanted help from for them because he felt that no one should never experienced this situation.
Photo by Comstock

chapter 1 page 15

  • "We had spent the day fasting. But we are were not not very hungry. We 
  • were exhausted".
This quote is inspirational to me because the quote shows the hard work of everything the Jews been doing and never getting really to eat. This quote is important to me because the quote relates to becoming tired of doing hard work and waiting to achieved your goals or just everyday tired of life. Jews wanted to work hard to eat. They wanted to eat so that the can live. They wanted to live to see their freedom. They wanted to be see their freedom to not be in this camp anymore.
Photo by anieto2k

chapter 2 page 21

  • "Jews, look! Look through the window! Flames! Look!"
Madame Schachter quote appeared exciting to me because it was an vision she had telling her, this would occurred. Her panic and constantly screaming acknowledge that she can see it but everyone else ignores it. She wanted to inform everyone the danger that was going to happened. She wanted to inform them because she knew it was going to happened. She wanted to tell them that they were going to die. She wanted to tell them they was going to die because of her vision. She wanted to tell them her vision because of the smell and sight she knew. She wanted to tell them the sight she saw because she knew where they're were going.
Photo by B Tal

chapter 3 page 22

  • "And I did not know that in that place, at that moment,
  • I was parting from my mother and Tzipora forever".
Elie Wiesel quote is significant to me because he shows emotions and clueless to not knowing he wasn't going to see his sister or mom again. This quote is impacted in my life because parting ways from any of your family is hurtful and homesick in a sense when you probably won't see them again, maybe for a while. Traveling to another country, or taking a trip away from your beloved family or love one can hurt when you miss someone. He wanted to show emotions because he felt sad that he was leaving his sister and mother. He was sad because he was beginning to departure away from his family. He was departuring away from his family because they parted women and man away including siblings. He was leaving his family because he had go and be in the military.
Photo by ribena_wrath

chapter 3 page 31

  • We shall all see the day of liberation. Have faith in life
  • Above all else, have faith".
The prisoner that was in charge for watching over the men acknowledge them to have faith. He protested to the men that have courage. He wanted to tell them to have courage because he wanted them to feel comfort. He wanted them to feel comfort because he wanted them to be okay. He wanted them to be okay because he felt their pain. He felt their pain because he felt they shouldn't have to go through this.
Photo by aenimation

chapter 4 page 37

  • "You're lucky, son", smiled Hans. "You've landed in a good unit".
Hans said to Elie Wiesel how great the position Elie was in when coming into that work unit. It shows how grateful and blessed you can be. He is grateful because he gets to live longer. He wants to live longer because he wants to tell his experience. He wanted to tell his experience because he wanted to tell the world what it was like to be a Jew. He wanted to tell the world what it was like to be a jew because he wanted someone to hear his story. He wanted the world to hear his story because he wanted them to feel like he felt.
Photo by bhagath makka

CHapter 4 page 41

  • "Do what you like. But do something. If not, you"ll hear from me"
Franek told the Jews what they can do but be careful in watching where you stay. He told them to do something because he wanted them to work. He wanted them to work because he wanted the jews to mind their business. He wanted them to mind their business to keep to themselves. He wanted them to mind their business so he can have sexual relations with a woman. This quote is important to me because it shows how serious people can be. This quote impacts me because it shows stern and strictness of what you mean of minding your own.
Photo by ** RCB **

Chapter 5 page 51

  • "I did not fast, mainly to please my father, who had forbidden
  • me to do so. But further, there was no longer any reason why I should fast.
  • I no longer accepted God's silence. As I swallowed my bowl of soup, I saw
  • in the gesture an act of rebellion and protest against Him". 
Elie Wiesel described his faith as it is no longer with him. He puzzles about whether he should fast for his religion even though he is already starving. He wanted to please his father by fasting but he did not have the faith in him enough to do so. He questions and ask himself who and why is he fasting for? Why should it matter? He wanted to fasting to please his father. He wanted to please his father so he can be impressed. He wanted his father to be impressed so he can be proud of how strong he is becoming. He wanted his father to be proud of him becoming strong that he still has faith in him.
Photo by marsmet549

chapter 5 page 51

  • "You're lucky to have brought here so late. This camp is paradise today,
  • compared with what it was like two years ago".
An SS man told them how of lucky they are to get what they have now then back then. He told the Jews of how harsh it was exactly back then and worst with terrible things the Germans did. He wanted to tell the Jews they were lucky because Germans are a little nicer now. He wanted to tell the Jews their nicer now because they have compassion. He wanted to tell the Jews they have compassion because of how harsh it was years ago. He wanted to tell the Jews how harsh it was because they are lucky to be in a better position than ever.
Photo by JD Hancock

chapter 6 page 65

  • "I had neither the will or nor the strength to get up. Nevertheless 
  • I obeyed". 
Elie Wiesel is laying in the snow because he doesn't have the strength or courage to go on marching. Somehow, the fate of his father's voice and encouragement made him succeed. He got back up, and continued on. He wanted to fall and die because he didn't have the strength and the drive to move forward. He wanted to not move forward because he was so cold from marching so long. He wanted to stop marching forward because he was getting tired. He was getting tired because he was hungry. He was getting hungry because his body was starving. His body was starving because he didn't have enough food in him to last.
Photo by PhotKing ♛

chapter 7 page 73

  • "Don't let yourself go under," my father said, trying to encourage
  • him. "You must resist. Don't lose faith in yourself".
Elie Wiesel father, was telling Meir Katz not to let yourself feel down and give up. He wanted to tell him to not loose faith because he saw him as an encouragement. He wanted him to have encouragement because he was brave. He wanted him to be brave because he saw Meir Katz strong. He wanted him to be strong because he know that he can do it. He knew that he can do it and not loose faith because he save his son, Elie. An strong united belief and staying strong. An loving for one another and sticking up for your religious background.
Photo by freestylee

chapter 8 page 81

  • "I did not weep, and it pained me that I could not weep.
  • But I had no more tears. And, in depths of my being, in the recesses
  • of my weakened conscience, could I have searched it, I might perhaps
  • have found something like----free at last"!
Elie Wiesel was remembering the day his father passed and his feelings toward his passing. He wanted his father gone because he was relieved he was free. He did not want him to go through the pain anymore. His father was old and weary to bear anything anymore. His father couldn't bear the torture he was receiving from anyone. He also didn't want to see his father being beaten to death. This quote reflects on how you feel that you're love one is in a better place, even though you are sadden by their tragic death.

chapter 9 page 83

  • "From the depths of the mirror, a corpse gazed back at me. 
  • The look in his eyes, as they stared into mine, has never left me".
Elie Wiesel is saying how happy he is to be free and not in the camp anymore, but that those memories he experienced and went through in the camp will forever be with him. He is happy that he is leaving the camp because he doesn't want to go through the situations again. He is relieved he is leaving because he doesn't want to think about the horrible memories that occur at the camp. He feels anger and hurt all over again from the separation of his family to the death of his father.
Photo by alsuvi