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Noble Gases

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Noble Gases

Photo by Jeremy Brooks

Noble Gases: are a group of chemical elements with similar properties under-standard conditions, they are all odorless, colorless, monotonic gases with very low chemical re-activity.

Photo by wiredforlego

Where are Noble Gases located on the periodic table ?

Photo by denn

Noble Gases are located to the right of the metals & are labeled as group 18 on the periodic table.

Photo by denn

What elements are in group 18 ?

Photo by ** RCB **

The elements that are in group 18 are helium (he),neon (Ne),argon (Ar),krypton (Kr),xenon (Xe),and the radioactive radon (Rn) .

Photo by Thomas Hawk

Helium is one of the elements in group 18. The name is helium, the symbol is (He) and the electron configuration is 1s2 .

Photo by cquarles

Neon is the second element in group 18. The name is neon, the symbol is (Ne) and the electron configuration is [He] 2s2 2p6

Photo by wockerjabby

Argon is the third element in group 18. The name is argon, the symbol is (Ar) and the electron configuration is [Ne] 3s2 3p6.

Photo by Thomas Hawk

Krypton is the fourth element in group 18. The name is krypton, the symbol is (Kr) and the electron configuration is [Ne] 3s2 3p6.

Photo by Jeremy Brooks

Xenon is the fifth element in group 18. The name is xenon, the symbol is (Xe) and the electron configuration is [Kr] 4d10 5s2 5p6.

Photo by Jeremy Brooks

Radon is the last element in group 18. The name is radon, the symbol is (Rn) and the electron configuration is [Xe] 4f10 5d10 6s2 6p6.

Photo by Leo Reynolds

what are some examples of the elements ?

These balloons are an example of helium. These balloons use helium in order to float.

Photo by SimonWhitaker

These lights are an example of neon. These lights need neon in order to be bright.

These little light bulbs are an example of argon. These little light bulbs use argon in order to function.

Photo by tochis

This light structure is an example of krypton. This light structure uses krypton in order to fully function.

This flash tube is an example of xenon. This uses xenon to light up the flash tube.

Photo by james4765

This sign is an example of radon. This sign goes to show that radon is highly radioactive.

Photo by oparvez

Alyssa unfortunately could not help me and savannah did not care to help me at all on this project and i had to do it myself.

Photo by ecstaticist

Araceli Melgoza
Period 4

Photo by VinothChandar

