The nomadic tribes of central Asia were unable to settle in one place due to the arid climate of the area, which limited large scale agriculture. As a result, the tribes lived off of animal products taken or made from their herds and were only able to make limited crafts. What they could not make themselves, they had to trade for, and often they stopped at oasises near and far to trade for products.
Various Turkish groups invaded lands throughout the eastern hemisphere, including Anatolia, India, and Persia. One such group, the Saljuq Turks, served in the Islamic Abbasid Armies, and eventually rose in rank until one member, Tughril, became a sultan. Tughril spread his power from Baghdad to as far as Syria, Palestine, and the Byzantine Empire in Anatolia. Another group, the Ghaznavids, conquered parts of India, including Punjab, Gujarat, and Bengal. The Turks as a whole increased nomadic people's prominence in European history, and spread their culture.
Genghis Khan rose to power through an alliance with a powerful clan leader, and gradually strengthened his position through steppe diplomacy and conquering rival contenders until he combined the tribes into a confederacy, which recognized him as their leader.
Genghis Khan chose military and political leaders based on talent rather than family name. He established a capital at Karakorum where he built a large palace and dramatically increased the size of his army, and was able to enforce his rule.
Khubilai Khan was one of Genghis Khan's grandsons who consolidated Mongol rule in China after conquering the Song Dynasty. He ruthlessly attacked his enemies and worked to improve the welfare of his subjects. People praised him for his generosity to the poor and his attempts to increase infrastructure