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Non-European Immigrants

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1800 to 1908


  • One group is Chinese people and they immagrated here to help build the railway
  • Anther group is the Japanese people to work at canneries to work for money for their families
  • The last group was the Sikhs people they immagrated here to work at places to pay bills

The Europeans only allowed the Chinese,Japanese,and the Sikhs people was helping the Europeans build the railway,doing some thing in a restaurant ,helping in a hotel,helping at the realistate, and doing forestry, and miningh

The difficulties that the Chinese people had were staying alive while they were building the railway paying the head tax after the railway was built and not getting the same amount as money as the Europeans while they were building the railway

The difficulties that the Japanese people had was them not getting a variety of jobs to work for.Have to be an enemy in world war 2 even though they were a Canadian citizen. When the world war was over they had to go into intermediate camp if they were a Canadian citizen

The difficulties for the Sikhs people was them suffered poor treatment and poor payment.they had to go straight to Canada if they wanted to immigrate here they could not stop any were. Most of the Sikhs people didn't go straight to Canada they had to stay were they were from.