Purpose in Medicine the noni fruit and its juice can be used to treat cancer, diabetes, heart disease, cholesterol problems, high blood pressure, HIV, rheumatism, psoriasis, allergies, infection, and inflammation. Some believe that the fruit can relieve sinus infections, menstrual cramps, arthritis, ulcers, sprains, injuries, depression, senility, poor digestion, atherosclerosis, addiction, colds, flu, and headaches. It is further claimed that the juice can heal scratches on the cornea of the eye.
Region Founded In Tahiti and other Pacific Islands, as well as in parts of Asia, Australia, South America and the Caribbean. The Noni Plant needs a hot wet environment survive in.
The Noni plant is not endangered because it needs a hot wet environment to grow in and in Hawaii, South America, Australians, and Asia and those countries provide the weather they need.
There is no reliable clinical evidence that noni juice is effective in preventing or treating cancer or any other disease in humans. Although animal and laboratory studies have shown some positive effects, human studies are just beginning. Research is under way to isolate various compounds in the noni plant so that further testing can be done to learn whether they may be useful in humans.