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This is a project that shows how the north and the south were very different in the 1800's not only physically but they had different beliefs too. Just because the states in the north and the states in the south were from the same country doesn't mean they believe in different things.
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North vs. South

Published on Dec 11, 2015

This is a presentation on the similarities and differences in the North and the South before and during the Civil War. I hope you enjoy my presentation and I thank you for viewing it.


North vs. South

Project by : Jordan Young B2
This is a project that shows how the north and the south were very different in the 1800's not only physically but they had different beliefs too. Just because the states in the north and the states in the south were from the same country doesn't mean they believe in different things.


In this section we are talking about the physical earthly features of both the north and the south.

North (Region/Geography)

  • warm summers
  • snowy cold winters
  • rocky and hilly
  • not good for farming
  • short growing season
"The terrain is rocky, hilly, and not good for farming." (Cox page 2) The weather and geography of the North affected their whole living style. They had to adjust to the cold weather and farming was harder. The North was mainly forests and also had sheltered bays and inlets. The fall line was also located in the North
Photo by blmiers2

South (Region/Geography)

  • warm and sunny
  • long, hot, & humid summers
  • mild winters
  • heavy rainfall
  • good climate for agriculture
"The south has a climate that is generally warm and sunny, with long hot, humid summers, and mild winters, and heavy rainfall." (Cox page 1) This warm and sunny climate was ideal for agriculture and made farmers able to farm many different crops in large amounts. The climate of the South was beneficial to them because it also helped their food sources and economy.
Photo by swisscan


In this section we will be talking about the similarities and differences of the wealth and resources of the North and the South.
Photo by c_ambler

North (Economy)

  • used new inventions for industry
  • mined for iron, coal, and copper
  • made weapons
  • land for farming
  • land for farming 
The North had a advanced use of machines and other new inventions for industry. This new way of manufacturing things brought a great wealth to the North. "Cities in the North thrived as centers of commerce." (Cox page 2) Mining was the main source for resources in the North and they mined things such as iron, coal, and copper.
Photo by Marcus Vegas

South (Economy)

  • used slaves to farm agriculture
  • slaves don't have to be payed so they save $
  • cash crops are main money source
  • crops include cotton, tobacco, indigo, & rice
  • plantations are very common in the south
The South's main money source was agriculture and farming. "Crops such as cotton, tobacco, rice, sugar cane and indigo were grown in great quantities." (Cox page 1) This selection of crops are known as cash crops because they were mostly turned in to get money. Slaves were used for farming so the ban of slavery would greatly affect the South's economy.


In this section we will be talking about how people and resources got from place to place during the North and South split.
Photo by keeva999

North (Transportation)

  • changed the North greatly
  • canals were a cheap source of tranportation
  • railroads were a popular source of transportation
  • transportation was more dominant in North
  • got people and resources around faster
The growing of transportation brought many beneficial changes to the North. During this time, "Canals, mostly built in the North, were a cheap of transportation." (Cox page 3) Also railroads were a source of transportation that were more dominant in the North than the South during this certain stretch of time.
Photo by StevenW.

South (Transportation)

  • steamships and railroads
  • merchandise is more easily sold to distant markets
  • there was 10,000 miles of railroad by 1860
  • less transportation than the North
  • transportation is used for delivering cash crops
The main reason transportation was used in the South was for long-distant transports such as taking products to be sold at distant markets. For these long-distant travels mainly steamships and railroads were used. "By 1860 about 10,000 miles of railroad spread across the Southern states. Still, this was not nearly as vast a railroad system as the North." (Cox page 2) This shows that even though they had a pretty efficient transportation it still was not as good as the North's.


This section will be used to talk about the differences of culture between the North and the South.
Photo by Anoop Negi

North (Culture/Society)

  • art
  • education
  • 5 million to 31 million people
  • dancing, card playing, theater
  • cities were often crowded & dirty
For the people of the North art and education were very important to them. Both college and religion were organized institutes. "Public services such as education began to take root." (Cox page 2) The cities began to be crowded and dirty because they were the center of art, culture, and education.

South (Cuture/Society)

  • wanted more slavery
  • population is mostly farmers
  • recreational activities
  • education and religion was not organized
  • most had little to no education
In the South people wanted more slavery to help them tend the farms. Most of the population was farmers and most kids did not go to school because they had to help their parents out on the farm. "There were few schools or churches in the South, since neither education nor religion were very organized." (Cox page 2) Most people in the South had little to no education except for the few sons of the planters.

Works Cited

Stoddard, Brooke C., and Daniel P. Murphy. The Everything Civil War Book: Everything You Need to Know about the Conflict That Divided a Nation. Avon, Mass: Adams Media, 2009. Web.

Cox, Courtnee. Information about the North & South.

This is a page where I can honor the work of the resources I used. To the people who wrote these articles I say thank you. And I say thank you to you for listening to my presentation about the North and the South during the time of the civil war.