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Northern Migration Of African Americans

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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This movement of African Americans to the north is known as the great migration. This consisted of more than 6 million African Americans.

The African Americans wanted to head north to take advantage of need for industrial workers. This led to competition for employment. These jobs had very poor working conditions and computing for living space.

This drastically increased the black population in most big cities. They began to build a new place for themselves in the public life, actively confronting economic, political and social challenges and creating a new black urban culture.

By the end of the migration more than 80 percent of blacks lived in cities. A majority of 53 percent remained in the south, while 40 percent lived in the North, and 7 percent in the west.

At the time of the Great Migration the Ku Klux Klan was active in the south. Even though the KKK had been dissolved in 1869 it continued underground after that, and intimidation, violence and even lynching of blacks southerners were not uncommon practices in the Jim Crow South.