This Declaration commences with the description of the human race. Every individual is united in some form with each other by creation. The ultimate goal of a person is to return to God, no matter what religion one is. The constant wondering of when will the human reach eternity is a question that all religions try to answer.
"One is the community of all peoples, one their origin, for God made the whole human race to live over the face of the earth"
In the closing section of the Declaration, it is stated the all men are created in the image of God. Because of this fact, it is contrary to the teachings of the Catholic faith to discriminate others because of who they are. The Church is not allowed to harass any individual based on their color, race, or life style. The human race is one and goes beyond the misunderstandings of each other.
In the end we must accept all because "we cannot truly call on God, the Father of all, if we refuse to treat in a brotherly way any man, created as he is in the image of God."