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Nourishing our Babies Webinar

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Catering to the needs of the 0-2 age group


Photo by USDAgov


  • A good diet is essential in maintaining a strong digestive & immune system
  • Digestion and immunity rely on each other to function and thrive
  • A child's digestion & immune systems continue to develop for several years
  • Not all digestive enzymes will be present to break down all food
  • Healthy gut bacteria is essential


Photo by Adam Melancon

6-8 months

  • No enzymes to digest carbohydrates
  • Keep food simple to lessen the impact on a delicate digestive system
  • Irritated digestive system can weaken immune function (bloating, gas, stomach pain)

Food to include

  • Vegetables including sweet potato, parsnip, carrot, beetroot, zucchini and avocado.
  • Fruit including banana, apple, pear, peach, figs, and plums.
  • All food should be steamed and pureed at this stage.

Food to avoid

  • Egg white, garlic, onion, citrus and vegetables from the nightshade family including potato, tomato, eggplant and capsicum.

Nourishing Tips

  • Add a little coconut oil to purees
  • Try roasting and then pureeing for different flavours
  • Mix fruit and vegetables
  • Fruits that are harder to digest should be cooked (apples, apricots, nectaries, berries)
  • Add a small amount of coconut milk to fruit purees

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  • Include a small amount of grain such as brown rice or quinoa
  • Soak grains to ease digestion
  • Once they have progressed through fruit and vegetable purees, you start to add small amounts of lentils and meats.


8-12 months

  • From 8 months, their digestive system has developed enough to handle a wider variety of food.
  • Still avoid gluten grains including pasta, cous cous and cereals.
  • Increase other nourishing grains such as brown rice and quinoa.

Nourishing Tips

  • Fruit should be softened to ease digestion (cut into larger chunks & softened)
  • Milk and milk products can be introduced
  • Hard vegetables should be softened but large enough for a child to hold e.g softened carrot sticks
  • Garlic and onion - used in moderation

1-2 years

  • Digestive system has now developed and they can enjoy a more complex variety of foods
  • New foods should still be introduced gradually

Nourishing Tips

  • Include legumes such as beans and lentils. Adzuki beans are the most easily digested (beans need to be soaked overnight)
  • Give adzuki beans first, then progress to borlotti beans, chick peas and cannellini beans
  • Avoid soy products and red kidney beans

Nourishing Tips

  • Slowly include natural sweeteners such as pure maple syrup and ray honey.
  • Serve legumes with yoghurt to aid digestion
  • Include pasta and noodles (in moderation)

Just remember

  • Children aged 0-2 do not have the digestive enzymes required to breakdown many foods
  • You can quickly and easily make large batches of pureed fruit and vegetables and store in the freezer
  • Babies do not require large amounts of food (while still on breast milk or formula)