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NSA Prism Program

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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NSA Prism Program

By:Shirley Jenkins

PRISM is a tool used by U.S national security agency (NSA) to collect private electronic data belonging to users of major internet services, such as Gmail,Facebook,Outlook and others.

The program is said to be a stream lined version of the same surveillance practice that the U.S has conducted in the years following 9/11.

Photo by wstera2

The U.S government are the only people who has access to the Prisme program because it is a U.S classified data program.

It was invented November 6th 2007 by a man named Edward Snowden

It has changed over time by being able to store more data in your file and they now get a clearer sound from your recent phone calls.

Photo by swanksalot

It has made things better by helping the U.S government catch murderers by seeing how many different phone calls they have made to the victim in that week and it could be a little suspicious.

Photo by Furryscaly

It has made things worst, because what if a terrorist gets a hold of the info and they cant be stoped.

Photo by Sarah G...



Photo by Will Montague


Photo by greyloch