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Photo by neiljs

Ancient Evidence:
The legionaries were the equivalent of foot soldiers today.
The average man served for 5 years from 18 to 23
The average Legion has 5500 people.
You can't be a slave or freeman who is in the army if they find out you will be executed.
The average legionary had a cloak water pouch turf cutter and a bag.

Modern Evidence:
The four main sections in italy's military are the army, the navy, and the Air Force also the carabinieri which is a kind of police force. Used in Italy and internationally.
the Carabinieri is the national gendarmerie; for its civil police functions, the Carabinieri is under the control of the Ministry
the money Guard, the Ministry of money is a force with military status and nationwide use for crimes with the use of money crime investigations, including narcotics trafficking, smuggling, and illegal immigration

Ancient Evidence:
The imperial rome history starts in 27 BC when Octavian became emperor Augustus. And then it ends in 476 AD when the peace loving emperor Romulus augustulus. He was dethroned.
Although the old republic continued to operate, power was concentrated in the hands of a single man. Armies were stationed at outer regions of their territory to be safe of barbarian invasion.

Modern Evidence:
The modern italy still has a republic like Ancient Rome it has had a republic since 1948 after the Second World War so they select their leaders. Before that it was a monarchy like Ancient Rome before the seventh king. The Italian government is like the United States government it has three branches.
One of the three branches is called the legislative branch and it is italy's parliament it has two houses the Lower house which is the chamber of deputies.

Photo by Me in ME

When comparing life in ancient Rome to modern Italy, life changed through a civic lens.

Subtopic #1: military
In Ancient Rome, there were legionary’s who were like foot soldiers today.
In Modern Italy, there are now 4 different types of military. Like The four main sections in italy's military are the army, the navy, and the Air Force also the carabinieri which is a kind of police force. Used in Italy and internationally.

This has changed because people have made it better. They made the military a lot stronger and have a lot more battle tactics.
Subtopic #2: leaders
In Ancient Rome there were kings and emperors. The imperial rome history starts in 27 BC when Octavian became emperor Augustus. And then it ends in 476 AD when the peace loving emperor Romulus augustulus was dethroned.
In Modern Italy, they have presidents and people in the government
This has changed because Kings and emperors are not needed anymore. because they have presidents and the government to help them with passing laws or electing new leaders
Conclusion: As you can see, life changed from ancient ___rome_____ to modern ____italy____ through the ____civic____ lens.

Photo by Caleb Miller