Harvesting after 1st Ag.Rev. : Oats used to die fast but now we check the moisture so the oats will last longer(to be stored) Now harvesting can occur without them dying.
Industrialization: Harvesting is faster and more consistent now that we have technology such as unmanned helicopters and interconnected machinery(harvester and planter)
Benefits: Helps balance soil fertility, helps prevent diseases and pests, and to control weeds and improve soil's ability to handle water.
Farming Techniques: In richer countries such as the U.S,Canada, and Australia they use technologies like recently states while poorer countries use the traditional way-by hand or with less developed tech.
Econ Issues: There are not enough oat farmers and there is also not enough funding to go towards having oat GMOs and research done on oats,so lots of oat producers don't use many pesticides/herbicides or anything to make it genetically modified because they can't afford and many people find it not needed considering the benefits they already provide without being changed
Cultivation:Stable plants with little needs for fertilizers which cuts down the contamination of groundwater and run-off is reduced,oats require less tilling so less earth disturbance and erosion. Also oats are so dense and tall they put a dark shadow over competing plants killing off weeds,etc so, there would be less water contamination and less pollutants in general
LDC's and MDC's: Growth production is growing is Asia,Europe, and the Americas in the more deeveloped countries because oats are a healthy and cost effective crop to grow with many benefits so, the production will grow in MDC's and LDC's at a gradual rate
Affect on cultural landscape: Oats effect the cultural landscape because they are the source of money and food in some regions as well as being a help to medical/health advancements making it a part of culture(such as recipes)
Green Rev. Impact: Many say the Green Revolution was the call to world hunger. One thing about oats is that they are very filling and help with cholesterol, fiber, and heart problems. Oats is also a strong plant which survives pretty well. Since this is and was the case people used lots of foods with oats in it when they feed those who are hungry and less fortunate.