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Published on Apr 20, 2018

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SIlviya Nikolova, filip filipov, karyna shkrobko, jimmy yoon
Photo by Tobyotter


  • Definition of obesity
  • Body Mass Index
  • Qatar
  • Japan
  • Obesity at the workplace
  • Conlclusion
Photo by Samuel Zeller

what is obesity?

(Bray, 2007)
Photo by füthart

Body mass index

(Cdc.gov, 2016)


one of the highest obesity rates in the world (Ng et al. 2014)
Photo by Juanedc

What caused the high obesity rate in Qatar?

(Klautzer et al, 2014; WHO, 2014)


(OECD, 2017)
The average rate of Obesity according to OECD up to 2015 is a little bit less than 6% which is five times less than what Jimmy discussed about Qatar.
Photo by rocketlass

How Japanese are keeping the low obesity rates?
(Senauer and Gemma, 2006)

The average Japanese consumes fewer calories and less fat , which in part simply reflects the smaller stature of the Japanese. Basic demand theory would suggest that the substantially higher price of food in Japan would also be a factor. In addition, the traditional
Japanese diet with its emphasis on rice, vegetables, and fish, with very little fat, is very
conducive to maintaining a pattern of lower calorie consumption. Generally, prices of things like white bread, ice cream, eggs are much higher compared to some western countries.
Photo by Paul Miller

obesity at work

(Paul and Townsend, 1995)




  • Klautzer, L., Becker, J., Mattke, S. (2014) The curse of wealth – Middle Eastern countries need to address the rapidly rising burden of diabetes. Int J Health Policy Management 2: 109-114.
  • Ng, M., Fleming, T., Robinson, M., Thomson, B., Graetz, N. (2014) Global, regional, and national prevalence of overweight and obesity in children and adults during 1980-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Lancet 384: 766-781.


  • Paul, R. J., Townsend, J. B. (1995) Shape up or ship out? Employment discrimination against the overweight. Employee Responsibilities Rights J 8: 133–45.
