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Ocean Life

Published on Nov 25, 2015

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Ocean Life

All about the amazing creatures that live there.

Test, test, test, okay... it works. Um... hi! My name is Isabella and I am a bottlenose dolphin. I love the ocean! Do you wanna learn about The ocean's creatures? Well, if ya do then email me and I will give you some info, so by!

Photo by gvgoebel

Hey! I got your email! First, let's learn about me, ok? Great! Click on the link that I will send you. Then, the information will pop up. Yay!


did you get my link? Did ya? Okay, so you did.

Bottlenose Dolphins

Photo by btrentler

Bottlenose dolphins are mammals. They breath air.

Photo by Zest-pk

They live in all oceans except the Arctic Ocean. They like to live in water that ranges from 50 degrees Fahrenheit to 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

Their diet includes small fish, squid, octopus, shrimp, and crabs.

Photo by neptunecanada

It depends on where they live to determine when they mate. Bottlenose dolphin mothers have one baby at a time. When they're born, the mother has to help them to the surface to breath air.

Photo by Darkroom Daze

-can be 6 1/2 ft. to 12 ft. long
-can weigh up to 1,100 pounds

A dolphin's predators are sharks and killer whales.

Photo by Fremlin

Fun Fact
Bottlenose dolphins are the smartest water animal on earth.
They are heavier than a piano, shorter than a school bus, and slower than a car.

Photo by T. Zumbiehl

So... did you like the info? Well, if you want to learn about another animal then email me and click on the link.

Photo by cobalt123


Photo by PacificKlaus

Seahorses are fish, not horses.

They live in shallow tropical and temperate waters all around the world.

Seahorses have no teeth and no stomach. They have to eat constantly to stay alive because their food passes through their digestive system so fast. They can consume 3,000 or more brine shrimp per day.

Photo by Saspotato

Seahorse dads carries the eggs in his pouch until they hatch. Then, he disposes them out to the ocean.

Their size can range from 0.6 inches to 14 inches long.

Photo by djwudi

A seahorses predators are penguins, tuna, stingrays, manta rays, and crabs.

Photo by Thomas Hawk

Fun Fact
Seahorses are one of the only animals in which the male bears the eggs. They are heavier than a penny.

Photo by kqedquest

That is some information about two of the ocean's creatures. Now, there's still more animals to learn about...

Beluga Whales

Photo by pelican

The beluga whale is one of the smaller species of whale.

They live in the Arctic Ocean.

They eat fish, crustaceans
and worms.

Photo by fidothe

Beluga whale mothers have one baby at a time every 2-3 months.

A beluga whale's main predators are killer whales and polar bears.

Photo by longhorndave

They can be 2000 - 3000 lbs.

Photo by DonkeyHotey

Fun Fact
Beluga whales are heavier than a piano, and shorter than a school bus.

Photo by Mike Johnston

I can't find any new animals to learn about! Someone, help me!

Ring, ring! Oh, that's my phone! Gotta go!

Photo by LoKan Sardari

Hey! I'm back. The person that called me said that if you want to find more sea creatures, go on seaworld.org.
And the next animal will be...

Photo by Leo Reynolds

The Great White Shark

Photo by Ken Bondy

The great white shark is the largest predatory shark.

Photo by pterantula

They eat seals, sea lions, fish, dolphins, and whale carcasses.

Photo by Elias Levy

They can be 5,000 lbs or more. Also, they are 15-20 ft long.

Great white sharks live temperate waters all over the world. Sometimes they go on brief trips to colder waters in the north.

The female shark will develop couple eggs and they will hatch in her womb. The female will give birth to 2-10 pups (baby great white sharks).

A great white shark is at the top of the food chain so it doesn't have any known predators.

Photo by travelbagltd

Fun Fact
A great white shark's liver is can be up to 24% of their body weight.

Photo by pasukaru76

Body Weight

Do you still want to learn about more animals? Well, if ya do then read more.

Sea Lions

Photo by Ezra S F

Sea lions are mammals that are often confused with seals.

Photo by nikki.n.huang

Sea lions live along the islands and coastlines of the Pacific Ocean.

Males can be 1,500-1 ton and can be up to 11 ft long. Females can be 700 lbs and about 9 ft.

Photo by antrix

Sea lions eat fish.

Photo by Erik K Veland

When sea lion pups are born, they can weigh up to 50 lbs. They can be up to 200 lbs and 6 ft long when they are 1 year old.

A sea lion's predators are killer whales, sharks, and humans.

Fun Fact
Sea lions can swim up to 25 miles per hour.

Photo by heggo gingie

Now... what animal can we learn about next...

Blue Whale

The blue whale is the largest animal alive.

They can be up to 100 ft long and 150 or more.

They eat mostly krill.

Blue whales live in all of earth's oceans.

When a baby blue whale is born, it can be up to 3 tons and up to 25 ft. For its first year, it drinks its mother's milk and gains about 200 lbs each day.

Their predators are sharks and killer whales.

Fun Fact
Blue whales are rarely attacked because they are so big.

Next animal...

Photo by Crystl

Clown Fish

Clown fish can be found in many different colors.

Photo by fchmksfkcb

They live in tropical coral reefs that are in the Indian and Pacific Ocean.

They can be 4.3 in long. Also, they can be 3-4 lbs. Clown fish can live for 6-10 years.

They eat algae, plankton, mollusks and small crustaceans.

Photo by JesseClaggett

Depending on the species, female clown fish can lay hundreds or thousands of eggs at a time near a sea anemone they inhabit. When they hatch, they are all males. Some develop female reproductive organs when needed.

Photo by Andreas März

Their main predators include large species of fish, sharks, and eels. Humans are a threat to clown fish too.

Photo by Elias Levy

Fun Fact
Clown fish have a layer of mucus on their skin that make them immune to the sea anemone's sting.

Next we have...

Photo by .reid.


Photo by WarzauWynn

Starfish are very unique sea creatures.

Photo by Anke L

They live in all the world’s oceans.

Star fish eat clams, oysters sand dollars, mussels, snails, and injured fish. Their mouth and stomach are underneath them.

Photo by Ed Bierman

They can weigh 4.7 to 9.4 in long. Also, they can weigh up to 11 lbs. They can live up to 35 years.

A star fish's predators are manta rays, some sharks, and large bony fish.

Photo by Mr.Thomas

Baby star fish are 1 millimeter long when they are born.

Fun Fact
1. Star fish have no blood or brains. Their blood is actually filtered sea water.
2. If a star fish's leg gets cut off, then it can grow it back.
3. Some star fish that exist have 10, 20, or even 40 legs.

The next animal is...

Killer Whales

Photo by Franco Folini

Killer whales are mammals that are carnivores.

Photo by Dave Govoni

They live coastal waters and in polar regions.

Killer whales can be 23 to 32 ft long and weigh up to 6 tons.

They eat fish, squid, seals, sea lions, penguins, dolphins, porpoises and large whales like the blue whale.

Photo by smerikal

The killer whale has no natural predators.

Photo by fveronesi1

Killer whale calves are born throughout the year. The mother has one baby at a time. Calves usually come out tail-first, but head-first birth were seen. When they are born, they're about 2.6 meters long and weigh 120 to 160 kilograms long.

Fun Fact
A killer whale's teeth can grow up to 4 inches long.

Photo by TooFarNorth

What animal should we learn about next? Hmmm... oh I know...

The Common Octopus

The common octopus is considered the most intelligent of all invertebrates.

They live in the tropical and temperate waters of the earth's oceans.

Their favorite foods are crabs, crayfish and bivalve mollusks, but they will eat anything that that get near them.

Photo by geishaboy500

A common octopus they can grow up to about 4.3 feet long and weigh up to 22 pounds.

Common octopuses are usually solitary, but in early spring, they come out of their burrows to mate. The male octopus holds arms with the female. Then, he pumps spermatophores into a arm called the hectocotylus to fertilize the eggs. A female common octopus lays up to 500,000 eggs.

Their predators are large fish, birds, some types of whales, eels and dolphins.

Photo by rbglasson

Fun Fact
Common octopuses have no bones. That makes them have the ability to squeeze into the tiniest gaps.

Do you still want more information about the ocean's creatures? Well, if ya do then read more!

Photo by CyberHades

Box Jellyfish
(this is the 100th slide)

Photo by gautsch.

Box jellyfish are cube-shaped invertebrates that have stinging tentacles.

They live in coastal waters off Northern Australia and throughout the Indo-Pacific.

Box jellyfish eat fish, plankton, jellyfish larvae, fish eggs, and crustaceans.

Their predators are green turtles.

Photo by d.monyak

The box jellyfish can be up to 10 ft long and weigh up to 4.4 lbs.

They reproduce by releasing sperm and eggs into the water, forming a planula.

Fun Fact
Box jellyfish kill more people than great white sharks do.

Can you guess what this animal is? It's a type of stingray, has blue ovals on it's body, and has a stinger?

Blue Spotted Ray

The blue spotted ray is a type of stingray that has bright blue ovals on them and blue stripes on their tail.

Photo by yeowatzup

They can grow up to 70 cm long and has one or two sharp venomous spines at the tip of it's tail. Their brightly colored skins is a warning to other animals that it is venomous.

They eat small fish, worms, shrimp, mollusks, and crabs.

Photo by Rushen!

In the Indo-West pacific they are found in the Red Sea, off East Africa, Solomon Islands, north to southern Japan, and south to northern Australia.

The blue spotted ray has only a few predators that are the hammerhead shark and other sharks and large fish.

Photo by Erik Charlton

Blue spotted ray female give birth to live babies because the eggs hatch inside the mother's uterus. This means they are ovoviviparous. The gestation period lasts between 4 to 12 months. The female can have up to seven pups (baby blue spotted rays).

Fun Fact
The blue spotted ray's tail is longer than its body, which means it can strike prey in front of him.

Photo by Nataraj Metz

What animal should we do next? Let's look at the votes!

Photo by ⣫⣤⣇⣤

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And the winner is...
the Hawksbill Sea Turtle!

Hawksbill Sea Turtle

The hawksbill sea turtle is a species of turtle that is critically endangered.

Photo by cdbeowulf

They can grow up to 45 inches long in shell length and weigh up to 150 lbs (68 kilograms). The upper shell is called the carapace. The underside of their shell is called the plastron. Last, the thick bony plates on the shell are called the scutes.

They eat mollusks, marine algae, crustaceans, sea urchins, fish, and jellyfish.

Hawksbill sea turtles live in tropical waters of the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans. They don't live in deep waters and prefer coastlines where sea sponges are abundant and where sandy nesting sites are within reach.

Their shell protects them from predators, but they can still eat the turtle. Their predators include large fish, sharks, crocodiles, octopuses, and humans.

Photo by ⣫⣤⣇⣤

The mother digs a hole and lays eggs on the beach where she was born. Then she crawls back to sea. The eggs hatch in 60 days and the babies have to go to the sea. Crabs and seagulls will eat the babies if they don't make it to sea fast enough.

Fun Fact
There are between 20,000 and 23,000 nesting females.

Photo by JimTiffinJr

The next animal will be the blue-footed booby since it was 2nd place.

Blue-Footed Booby

Photo by NH53

The blue-footed booby is a bird with blue webbed feet.

Photo by Les_Williams

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