We use the ocean for many things. We snorkel in it, we eat food from it, we purify water and drink from it, but we also harm it. We dump our trash in it too. This is called pollution, or contamination.
We use the ocean for many things. We snorkel in it, we take lots of water from it, we eat the animals in it, but we also leave our trash in it. Fishing nets, old shoes, plastic, and harmful substances are just floating around with nowhere to go. So, it stays in the ocean and harms animals and ocean plants. This connects to Trashing the ocean. Fishing nets that fishermen leave in the ocean are a main cause of strangling animals , many surface swimmers drown from this purpose. Gyres are Islands of trash, sewage and toxic substances. Algae and other potential harmful plants that grow in the gyres can spread to other parts of the oceans. In some parts of the world fire weed are starting to takeover fire weed is a type of algae that can cause itches and harmful diseases and they have toxic blooms.