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Odysseus' Journey

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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The Cicones

  • Odysseus' men stay too long on the
  • island and they attack people but
  • not all of them. Their main army
  • showed up and a bunch of men died.

Lotus eaters

  • Odysseus and his men find lotus
  • eaters on an island. They show them
  • the lotus plants, when eaten, makes
  • them forget about their home.


  • Odysseus and his men are curious
  • and want to see a cyclops. They end
  • up seeing them, but some of his men
  • are eaten. It's killed by being stabbed in
  • the eye, and they escape under sheep.

Island of Aeolus

  • Aeolus, god of the winds, gives
  • Odysseus a bag of bad winds to
  • help him get home safely. His crew
  • disobeys orders and opens the bag.


  • Every ship was destroyed by cannibals
  • and even crew members were gone.
  • Odysseus and his men survive and
  • sail to Aeaea.

Island of Circe

  • Circe feeds them and gives them wine.
  • When she is sure they are intoxicated,
  • she throws all but one in her pig pen.
  • Odysseus is warned and given a plant by
  • Hermes to protect from Circe.

the land of the dead

  • The prince of Thebes tells
  • Odysseus and his men that if
  • they raid the cattle, Odysseus'
  • ship and crew will be destroyed.


  • Receives a warning about 3
  • obstacles he is about to face.


  • Odysseus puts bees wax in his
  • men's ears and have them tie
  • him up so he can listen to the
  • sirens sing.

Scylla and Charybdis

  • Odysseus avoids Charybdis so he
  • wouldn't lose all of his men, only 6 died
  • because of Scylla. Charybdis is a
  • whirlpool and Scylla is a 6 headed
  • monster.

sun god (Helios)

  • All of Odysseus' men eat Lord
  • Helios' cattle even though he
  • warned them. When he awakes from
  • slumber all of his cattle and men are
  • dead.

Calypso's Island

  • A beautiful goddess that
  • captures Odysseus for 7
  • years.


  • Odysseus is treated kindly
  • by the gods and goddesses
  • here because they think he could be a
  • god in disguise. He tells them about his
  • journey.