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Odyssey Part 1

Published on Mar 15, 2016

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Calypso holds Odysseus captive for seven years. When Odysseus asks to leave, Calypso, offers him immortality if he stays. Odysseus passes on the offer, compliments her on her appearance in and she let's him on his way.

The Lotus Eaters:
Odysseus and his men arrive on the coastline of the Lotus Eaters. Odysseus sent three men to explore the island. The men were offered a sweet plant and consumed them. Under the "spell" of the flowers the men lose their hope to return home. Odysseus ties the men up that refuse to leave and he sets on his way.

The Cyclops:
Odysseus and his men stop on an unfamiliar island in a search for food. The men find food in a cave and feast on it. Only to later find out that they have consumed the Cyclops' food. The Cyclops traps the men in his cave and consumes six men. Odysseus then carves a stake and stabs the Cyclops in the eye. The men tie themselves under the Cyclops' sheep and ride them to their freedom.

The Enchantress Circe:
Odysseus and his men, including Eurylochus, arrived at Circe's island. Circe lures the men in, feeds them and gives them poisoned wine that turns the men into swine. Circe locks the men in pigsties except Eurylochus, who runs back to the ship in peril. He tells Odysseus that foul magic doomed his men.

The Land of the Dead:
Odysseus seeks to find his destiny from Teiresias. Circe gives him detailed instructions on how to bring Teiresias up from the dead. She tells Odysseus that he needs to sacrifice his best black sheep. After he slaughters the black ewe, the Prince of Thebes tells Odysseus to not harm/ eat Helios' cattle when the men arrive to his land. If the men do consume or kill the animals, great destruction will come to Odysseus' ship and men, and days of great loneliness will come.

The Sirens:
Odysseus and his men return to Circe's island, where she warns the men about the peril they will soon encounter. The men will come upon two Sirens, Scylla and Charybdis, who lure ships in with song and then kills and eats the men. Circe tells Odysseus that to get passed the Sirens he must stuff his and his men's ears with beeswax, to block out the luring song, as well as tie Odysseus to the mast of the ship. When the men come across the Sirens, Scylla takes six men, for each of her six heads, and eats them. The rest of the men pass and arrive at Helios' pastures.