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Odyssey Timeline

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Odyssey Timelime

Chris Matthews
Photo by giopuo

1. Cicones

  • At the island they beat some of their men, took
  • plunder, and enslaved women. Odysseus told
  • them to come back but they didn't listen and
  • instead they partied and their army came and
  • attacked them.


  • Odysseus and his men land on the
  • land of the lotus eaters. Odysseus'
  • men eat the lotus flower and it made
  • them not want to go home.

3. Cyclops
Odysseus and his men are curious to see the cyclops. They go inside the cyclops cave and get food and then the cyclops (Poly) walks in. Odysseus and his men get the cyclops drunk so they can stab his eye and then they escape.

4. Island of Aeolus
Aeolus, god of winds, gives Odysseus a bag of wind to help him get home safely. His men disobey orders and open the bag.

5. Laestrygonians
This is the land of the cannibals where all ships but Odysseus

6. Island of Circe's
Circe's island is a beautiful place where she tricks some of Odysseus men and turn them into pigs, with the help of Hermes he saves his men and stays of the island for a long time.

Photo by ishootreno

7. The Land of the Dead
Ody goes to the land of the dead, to find his destiny. He talked to the blind prophet Teiresias who told him his destiny and gives him advice.

Photo by Don J Schulte

8. Circe's Island
Receives warning about the 3 obstacles he is about to face.

Photo by jafsegal

9. Sirens
Sirens are have bird, half woman. They sing a song and lure men into the rocks on passing ships.

10. Scylla and Charybdis
Scylla has 6 heads and 12 legs and eats men on passing ships. Charybdis lays on the bottom of the ocean and creates a whirlpool to drown passing ships.

11. Helios
Ody and his men land on a an island. They run low on food so they kill the cattle that Ody told them NOT to eat. His men die as a result.

Photo by eddie.welker

12. Calypso's Island
Calypso kept Ody for 7 years and only SOME of the time was unwilling. After 7 years Hermes came down and told them that Ody had to leave.

Photo by Hloipapa

13. The Land of the Phaeacians
Odysseus was at a banquet and tells everyone what has happened for him to get back to Ithaca and all his adventures.

Photo by phalinn