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Oedipus Rex

Published on Apr 25, 2016

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Oedipus Rex

Connaly Akiyama


  • Oedipus- King of Thebes
  • Jocasta- Queen of Thebes
  • Laius- Former king of Thebes
  • Creon- Jocasta's brother
  • Tiresias- Blind prophet of Thebes
Photo by Make It Old


  • Antigone- daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta
  • Ismene- daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta
  • Polyneices- son of Oedipus and Jocasta
  • Eteocles- son of Oedipus and Jocasta

Character Relationships

  • Oedipus- the son of Laius and Jocasta
  • Jocasta- the wife of Laius, then Oedipus
  • Laius- the father of Oedipus
  • Creon- the son of Menoeceus and brother of Jocasta
  • Tiresias- the man who told Oedipus he was Laius' murderer
