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Of Mice and Men

Published on Nov 21, 2015

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Of Mice and Men

Brianna Paulson Hr.8

Author Facts

  • John Steinbeck
  • An early draft Of Mice and Men was ate by his dog
  • He was a Nobel Peace prize Winner
  • He hated being famous
Photo by Leo Reynolds

Authors Attitude

  • The authors attitude in this book is that he wants to show that hard times offer real characteristics of people to show.
Photo by DanielleSLynn

American Background

  • The Dust Bowl
  • Poverty
  • Stock Market Crashed
  • Radios for entertainment
Photo by bfishadow

National Background

  • World War 2
  • Hitler- German elections
  • Emelia Earhart got lost
Photo by dbnunley

Time Period

  • Dust Bowl Era
  • 1937
  • Television and Radios
Photo by rocor

Main Character

  • George- is a not kind person, acts like big brother, and demanding
  • Lennie- nice spirited, not that bright, and scared

Conflict #1

  • One conflict in this novel is when George has and internal conflict of taking care of Lennie and how hard it is on him.
Photo by theJoSoS

Conflict #2

  • Another conflict is George and Lennie versus society that are sometimes violent towards them.
Photo by Dave_B_


  • I predict that George will get sick of taking care of Lennie and that he cant keep his promise to him.
Photo by discoodoni

Best Event

  • The best event so far is all the times George has to stick up for Lennie and help him out. It really shows how much he cares for him.
Photo by mikecogh

Worst Event

  • The worst event in the novel so far is when Lennie is playing with the dog and he accidentally kills the dog.
Photo by D. Garding