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Of Mice And Men Jr

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Foreshadowing of

Lennie's death in Of Mice and Men
Photo by GregPC

Thesis statement

  • Readers know Lennie will
  • get killed because all
  • companions die in this story
Photo by Bekathwia

Lennie kills mice

  • "They was so little "he said ,apologetically.
  • I'd pet 'em and pretty soon they
  • Bite my finger and I pinched their heads
  • A little and then they was dead"
  • (Ch5,p6)

Candy's dog is shot

  • "I'll take him out And shoot him right in the back of the head"
  • (Ch 3, pg.6)
Photo by dupo-x-y

Lennie kills the puppy

"Why you have to die you ain't so little as mice,I didn't bounce you hard.(ch,1pg.8)

Curley's wife is killed

"He shook her ... And he shook her ,her body flopped like a fish (ch,5pg.6)
Photo by Cakper