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Office of Financial Management

Published on Mar 04, 2019

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Office of Financial Management

Organizational Analysis by Chris Cantrell, Danielle Ruse, & Megan Moore
Photo by 401(K) 2013

Mission & Vision

Photo by eyspahn


To support and improve state government on behalf of all Washingtonians
Photo by Jitabebe


Better information. Better decisions. Better government. Better Washington.
Photo by Jitabebe

Commitment -
We will provide the leadership, direction and information our customers our customers and staff need to progress from vision to action and keep the public informed through timely information and data.

Photo by Pietro Jeng


Photo by Thomas Kelley


  • 1959: Budget & Accounting Act
  • 1965: Central Budget Agency
  • 1969: Office of Program Planning and Fiscal Management(AKA the mouthful)
  • 1979: The Founding of OFM as we know it today!

OFM Today

  • 40 years later, OFM is an umbrella organization for many agencies that once operated independently, ie Personnel.
Photo by Toastwife

Organizational Structure

Organizational Structure

  • Raises questions about the transition of power
  • How does that influence OFMs objectives
Photo by 401(K) 2013



  • Lean Managament
  • Policy, budget, preperation & implementaiton of Executive proporal to the Legislature
The organization's budget projections are subject to policy pressure from the governor’s office, and it is unclear to the outside observer how policy choices shape the biennium budget. Is OFM required to fund all of the Governor's policy objectives? How does that affect government spending obligations?

OFM is responsible for each individual budget for every state agency across Washington; this includes over 190 agencies. They also keep current financial status of each of these organizations and these reports are easily accessible on the OFM website.

OFM assists with the planning, analysis, and implementation of the state’s operating and capital budgets and are responsible for making budget recommendations to the Governor, as well as presenting the Governor’s budget proposal to the Legislature and the public.

Inslee's 4 focuses: Education, Behavioral Health, Orca Recovery, and Climate Change
Photo by khrawlings


  • Display each agency’s operational & capital budget
  • Subject to Policy Pressure/Objectives
The organization's budget projections are subject to policy pressure from the governor’s office, and it is unclear to the outside observer how policy choices shape the biennium budget. Is OFM required to fund all of the Governor's policy objectives? How does that affect government spending obligations?

OFM is responsible for each individual budget for every state agency across Washington; this includes over 190 agencies. They also keep current financial status of each of these organizations and these reports are easily accessible on the OFM website.

OFM assists with the planning, analysis, and implementation of the state’s operating and capital budgets and are responsible for making budget recommendations to the Governor, as well as presenting the Governor’s budget proposal to the Legislature and the public.

Inslee's 4 focuses: Education, Behavioral Health, Orca Recovery, and Climate Change

People Served

  • Internal facing agency that serve all state agencies
  • Governor's Office
  • Relationship with the Legislature
Extension of the Executive branch, and operates closely with the Governors Office and the Legislature

OFM operates on behalf of the public, as all state agencies do, but most interactions are between different state agencies

An Internal Facing Program

  • Statics referred to
  • Studies cited
  • Used as justification
  • Not seen directly in public news / not transparent
Photo by Jerzy Durczak


Photo by reynermedia

Budgeting Success

  • OFM is proficient in crunching numbers and providing statistics and data across WA state
  • OFM conducts research on issues including the economy, labor force, criminal justice, health care, and education.
Photo by Fabian Blank


Photo by dvanzuijlekom


  • Not transparent
  • Programs attached and detached often
  • Perceptions that they are aloof and adversarial
  • Poor supporting communication
Photo by kenteegardin

Subject to Political Influence

  • The executive branch defines & prioritizes funding priorities, which often coincide with popular issues.
Photo by Tax Credits


Visible History

  • Include OFM History and past priorities in the narrative! It's a strength!

Increased Transparency

  • Currently presents a false sense of transparency
  • Internal facing, lack of clear moitives leads to lack of trust and low participation
  • Miss the opportunity of community input


Better information. Better decisions. Better government. Better Washington.