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Ojibwe Tribe

Published on Dec 04, 2015

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Ojibwe Tribe

Ace Brooks LA 5


  • The Ojibwe Indians were originally from the Great Lakes region.
  • After the white man came and made them move to the Mille Lacs reservation in Minnesota.

The men of the Ojibwe tribe.

  • The mans job of the tribe was to hunt.
  • When it came down to it they were warriors for their tribe.
Photo by sarahstierch

Women and Children

  • The women of the tribe cooked and took care of the children.
  • The children learned to hunt and play.
  • In their freetime Ojibwe boys would go outside and play lacrosse.
Photo by greyshine


  • The Ojibwe lived in houses called Birchbark houses, numerous families lived in one home.
  • All you need to make one of these homes is birchbark, wooden planks, and buffalo hide for the ground.
Photo by Hkuchera

The Ojibwe God

  • The Ojibwe believed in one god who they called Wenebojo.
  • They have numerous stories telling of this wise god.
Photo by gumtau

Tales of the Ojibwe God

  • The buffalo would run across the prarie and carelessly runover the birs and their houses. Wenebojo (God) hit him with his walking stick and said "You should be ashamed of yourself!" So he gave him a hump that made him hang his head loa for eternity.
Photo by e_monk


  • The Ojibwe were known for their wild rice, they would get in their homemade canoes and harvest it.
  • Occasionaly they would hunt deer and pick berries.
Photo by MegMoggington

Wild Rice

  • Wild rice was a very important tribute to the Ojibwe tribe.
  • It provided food, fuel for fires,it even provided corhusk dolls for kids.
  • They collected the rice by getting in canoes and beating the rice stalks into the canoe.
Photo by USACE HQ