Summer is officially over and coffee shops are starting to carry their signature drinks like Pumpkin Spiced Lattes. I would also say it's time to put your summer clothes away, but it seems we have a bit of heat wave going on in Chicago right now (high of 97, yuck). With summer coming to a close so do all those kick ass summer festivals. Fear not though, Oktoberfest is soon upon us!
Oktoberfest is this wonderful, multi-day celebration where one can consume delicious beer and pretzels as well as wear glorious Lederhosen (if you so choose). With it's roots in Germany, you can find an Oktoberfest celebration in almost every corner of the world. Contrary to the festival's name, the festival begins in September, because of the better weather) and wraps up the first week of October. With it's opening day fast approaching I rolled up my sleeves and searched far and wide (read: sat on my couch and did a Google search for locations that I think are awesome or just make sense to share) for celebrations around the world. Enjoy this slideshow of Oktoberfest celebrations around the world or just scroll down for a list.